My Actifit Report Card: March 25 2025
Práce a nákup. Člověk by řekl běžný den. Ale je třeba si vážit těchto běžných dní. Protože jsou krásné tím, že nejsou ošklivé :-) Záběr je z pláže u rybníka Boleváku. _This…
Práce a nákup. Člověk by řekl běžný den. Ale je třeba si vážit těchto běžných dní. Protože jsou krásné tím, že nejsou ošklivé :-) Záběr je z pláže u rybníka Boleváku. _This…
Twas a Daddy-Daughter day, which translates into a many a walk on a slow Sunday. It was bright and crisp, and we did a few neighborhood circuits. Walking in the field, swinging…
Hallo liebe Community, Gestern sind es nicht ganz 10 k geworden, aber über 9 k ist wieder ein guter Wert. #sbi-skip _This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS).…
Hey Actifitters, The work week started like most of them, boring! And the grey and gloomy weather didn't help. At least, I got a little paperwork done, and finally got my…
A beautiful spring day at the Sugar Shack. We had a very nice walk on the Maple Farm Trails then stopped in for Pancakes and Coffee. Yum. _This report was published via Actifit…
I am surprised by my step count today. Consisting mainly of a shopping trip and a school run. Or should I say walk? It all adds up and shows that it doesn't take much effort to…
Five thousand steps, almost six thousand. Not so much, but at least I went out to street and made a walk. _This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out…
Práce a hřiště na sídlišti. Na obrázku je stavba krabičkového rozhraní k akcelerometrům. A co je uvnitř za součástky? Dráty. Dráty... _This report was published via Actifit…
I did my morning run down at the foreshore, so get a bit of a swim and a fresh water shower afterwards. The water and little beach were still pretty dirt after the cyclone, 2…
Hello, again! How are you? I hope that you are doing great. Welcome to my post. It's actifit report number 1259. It's also the Alive and Thriving report on Tuesday, March 25…
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