Weekend with My Grandson and Granddaughter!
Greetings everyone! I'm doing absolutely fantastic today. It's such a pleasure to be here and share this wonderful week of September with all of you. I'm…
Greetings everyone! I'm doing absolutely fantastic today. It's such a pleasure to be here and share this wonderful week of September with all of you. I'm…
Hello Hivers, We live in a commercialised world. People’s desires and needs have changed accordingly. As a result…
I am here walking around these island in the center of our town and this is one of the famous hang out with friends and feel the fresh and cool air from it because there were…
The topic of pets is extensive and every year it becomes more and more voluminous. In childhood many of us had dogs and cats hamsters and guinea pigs. Someone had a budgie or a…
Monday is my rest day and I have a long day spending time with my bedroom and it is also time for me to relax for a little like a day in a week. Although, I can choose any day…
Maybe it was the chill of the breeze or the emptiness of the road, either way, I had an inkling that I may never come down this path again. As I trekked the distance from my…
“Next class, each group will be doing a topic defense for the research topics I assigned today. Each group should pick a topic and a representative who would lead…
上两星期,我陪我妈去了一间咖啡厅打包她想喝的饮料,点了饮料后就在等待期间,我突然看到这间店家的乐高收藏品。他们家把乐高装进了一个玻璃柜里面供人欣赏,我也瞬间被吸引了目光。 店家收集的乐高有各种各样不同国家的建筑,从上到下这么多层的乐高收藏品里面,我只被其中一层的乐高吸引,那一层全装的乐高都是中国古代建筑。…
Dear friends, Peace, How are you doing on this beautiful day over the colorful landscape of Pretoria? You are moving faster in your adventure in the universe of…
An Iris by the swimming pool, it is pretty amazing how quickly they come and go. It was a bit warmer today, and I am sure it was not there this when I gave the pool a quick…
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