Dried Squid In My Simple Recipe
Happy weekend family, to tell you the truth I'm not really happy but I'm trying too. Let's talk about food and cooking. When…
Happy weekend family, to tell you the truth I'm not really happy but I'm trying too. Let's talk about food and cooking. When…
Hello all, blessed new year to all and may all of you have a great year of 2025 savouring good food around the world. Sunday lunches are typically a time that…
I promised @shawnnft that I would attempt the January 2025 Eating Out Challenge so here I am! The restaurant that I will be eating out at…
If I should describe my eating habits in one word, I would say “mediocre.” I used to think I had bad eating habits, but I can't say I do. There are a lot of factors that…
Food is life, and everyone loves food, including myself. As much as I love to eat, I don't just go for anyhow food but ones that are healthy and nourishing to the body. We were…
Hello! It's my first post in the Eating Out community! I was actually brought here by @shawnnft. It all began with his invitation to join his…
Dobrý večer s Actifitem! Máme ve škole 3D tiskárnu k dispozici. (Díky sponzore, pane Průšo.) Většinou tam děláme kraviny. Ale tím se učíme. _This report was published via…
Dobrý večer s Actifitem. Experimentálně zkusím actifití hlášení i v angličtině. Ale tohle zrovna bez znalostí reálií a češtiny nemá smysl. _This report was published via…
DEUTSCH Hallo zusammen Leider hab ich es über die Feiertage nicht geschafft von unserem Heiligabend und den beiden anderen Weihnachtstagen zu…
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