My Actifit Report Card: December 20 2024
Hey Actifitters, With a bit of cold finally back, the snow was still there yesterday. In fact, we even got a little bit more.…
Hey Actifitters, With a bit of cold finally back, the snow was still there yesterday. In fact, we even got a little bit more.…
Dobrý večer, Good evening, dnes pro betlémské světlo today for the light of Bethlehem dnešní bonus vtip Když žena říká, že miluje děti víc než manžela, nevěřte tomu. Děti…
Work Saturday. All's well here. I was able to sleep for a long time thankfully. I went to the salon to get my hair done and when I got home, I had to prepare food too. When I was…
Finally it's better 🤗 I slept well last night, but in the morning I again needed a lot of time to get back to life 🥱 but then I went out for a long and refreshing walk on the…
My child had a hockey practice today where the parents could come into the ice, so I did. It was an early morning skate, so it’s been a long day! Onto Monday! _This report was…
Práce a návštěva zvěrolékaře. Na obrázku je vánoční tramvaj. _This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on…
Dobrý večer s Actifitem! No jo... Praha 2, Nové Město. Takováhle auta na Praze 8 nepotkáte. _This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check…
Hi, there! How are you? I hope that you are doing great. Welcome to my post. It's actifit report number 1235. It's also the Alive and Thriving report on my weekend, Friday, Dec…
Hey Actifitters, We finally saw a bit of sun yesterday, so even if we got up quite late, we quickly went to the forest with Kaia. So much space for her…
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