Memories of Cabo and my Actifit Report Card: March 25 2025
On the image above, you can see the Arch of Cabo San Lucas. When I was in Mexico a few years ago, I took my son and my mother on a glass bottom boat tour to the Arch…
On the image above, you can see the Arch of Cabo San Lucas. When I was in Mexico a few years ago, I took my son and my mother on a glass bottom boat tour to the Arch…
Hello everyone, I hope everything is going well in your life and you are having a wonderful day. Today was sunny and very nice and a great day for a walk, honestly I don't know…
Práce a nákup. Člověk by řekl běžný den. Ale je třeba si vážit těchto běžných dní. Protože jsou krásné tím, že nejsou ošklivé :-) Záběr je z pláže u rybníka Boleváku. _This…
Greetings my friends and all lovers of physical activities all over the world. Welcome to my Actifit Report for monday the 24/03/2025. This is the beginning of a new working week…
Práce na hydraulickém rozvaděči. Nákup. Záběr: Východní pláž Boleváku. _This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original…
Práce a hřiště na sídlišti. Na obrázku je stavba krabičkového rozhraní k akcelerometrům. A co je uvnitř za součástky? Dráty. Dráty... _This report was published via Actifit…
Hi friends I logged 5,004 steps on @Actifit today, away from my daily 10k step goal. _This…
Hey Actifitters, The work week started like most of them, boring! And the grey and gloomy weather didn't help. At least, I got a little paperwork done, and finally got my…
Hello everyone, I hope everything is going well in your life and you are having a wonderful day. I met my friends today and we went out with them. Since the weather was cool, we…
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