Make BBH the most profitable income token on Hive for its holders.




It was an exciting start to the contest. 1 day down, 4 days to go. Here is a list of poeple who took part in day one.


I hope the excitment continues to build.

There has been a lot of great, awesome stuff going on, on Threads. The cooperation, people/builders working together. The way things should be on the blockchain.

Through a bunch of chit chat back and forth this is what I came up with.

Between now, 23 July 2024 and up to and including the 27 July 2024 I will be running a contest.
I will do a random draw on Sunday the 28th July 2024.

Everyone that makes a post in the SELFIE threadcast that I do every day will be entered into the draw. What is being given away you are asking by now. lol

I am putting up one month of Premium InLeo membership. And talking about teamwork/teamups @bitcoinman is adding 1000 DOOK to the give away. And then @pepetoken jumped onboard with 100,000 Pepe tokens. Awesome. I love to see the communitiy pulling together.

I am going to have to do this manually, so Sunday I will be going through 5 days of threadcasts.
But it is not going to be that hard after all, there is an "authors" drop down menu on the threadcasts. It shows me every one that posted for the day. Awesome easy stuff now.

Let us work on getting a lot more people involved.

How is that?



Let me start with the fact that I have been on this blockchain now for 1815 days. And I am extreamly proud to say my posting streak continues. I have now done at least one post a day for 1815 strait days. Yes, from the 1st day I joined. I have not missed a day.

If you are trying to build something on Hive, if you are trying get noticed on Hive. This is the type of dedication it takes.

I tell you this now every day now to try and motivate you. As your noticed I already have the dedication.


I am moving forward with the BBH project. Going to start putting things into place to launch the BBH Tribe/Outpost. There is only one step left and that is to LAUNCH. I need 5000 BEE to lauch. Once my final unskate is finished I will have about 1800.

If you want to donate (explained below) I would say you have 2 weeks or less left. At that point I will buy with my own FIAT what I need to get launched.


No new members to the [Curation Trailover](Curation Trail) in the last 24 hours. We are now 205 strong. That is awesome. The new goal of 250 members by the end of the year is looking real good.

What is the point of a curation trail and why should I join?

Any post that I up vote, everyone that is part of my trail will also up vote that post. And being 205 members now you can possibly get 205 upvotes.

When you join the trail you can set your trail vote to what ever you want. Even if you set the up vote to 0.01. Imagine if we had 1,000 people in the trail that would be 10.00 to the post. Fantastic stuff. A little difference can end up making a giant difference to a Hivian.

That being said, we do have 205 members, I know not all are active, some have passed, but the majority of use are still here.

Imagine if we could get 100 people doing just 1 blog post about the curation trail. Do you think the membership would go up quickly?

Give it a shot, the more, the better for everyone.


I now set the release price of BBH to the markets daily. It is an open market so sometimes you can pick up deals when others are selling cheaper than my set price. The goal is to have 1 BBH = 1 Satoshi. I do a bit of math and get the price. If Bitcoin is stronger than Hive then the price of one BBH goes up and if Hive is strong than Bitcoin then the price goes down.

Here is the last week worth of price settings.

18 Jul 2024647850.22091000000000.00293
19 Jul 2024638170.22671000000000.00282
20 Jul 2024666430.22771000000000.00293
21 Jul 2024669470.23081000000000.00290
22 Jul 2024672710.22191000000000.00303
23 Jul 2024665270.21781000000000.00305
24 Jul 2024660170.22381000000000.00295


Why am I selling BBH MIners:

Get in and stay in the top 20 Hive-Engine Witness Nodes. This will be done with continued support from the comuntiy and by buying WorkerBee tokens myself. This will give more stability and earn BEE mining rewards.

Use the BEE generated to finish funding the building of the BBH Tribe.

After that BEE generated will be fundled back into the Income Token to increase weekly payouts to BBH holders.

But for you, the people buying the miners, I have been asked, what is in it for you? And here is my answer:

I think I need to expand on number three.

This is a win win in my books. Once all three items above are in place.

You win 5 BBH at a time from the miner lottery. Depending on how many miners will obviously depend how many BBH you can win.

The more BBH you have the bigger drip you get every Saturday. The one I will be concentrating on is the swap.hive payouts.

Just the BEE along generated from being in the top 20 Hive-Engine witness nodes will enable me to increase that.

By buying miners you will be investing in the future of BBH, and you will be getting a return every Saturday in drips.

Just remember this is only step one for the future of BBH.

Much more to come.

The biggest question I always get is why all the time and effort to give back?

Because in giving back the future will give back to me. Once BBH is doing what I want it to do, be it next year, 5 years, 10 years, I should be able to generate a passive income for myself.

Let me get things there first and look after the people who are putting their time and funds and faith in me.

The stats below might get alittle out of wack as I unstake BEE. I am trying my best to keep it strait. The donations will be correct. But if you see a mistake in yours please let me know.

HiverBEE Donated
Total Donations1832.93544993

I want to thank everyone that has donated BEE to this cause so far. Remember to send them to the @hive-112281 account.

I am raising by asking for dontations and using the sale of BBH tokens to a minimum or 5,000 BEE to a maximum of 10,000 BEE.

5,000 BEE will get the OUTPOST off the ground. The other 5,000 will add to it, as in, staking, delegation, I need 1 BEE stakes for each active member of the OUTPOST. Etc.

So if you have BEE lying around in your wallet or if you want to be a founding member here it is.


I will on launch of the outpost, air drop 20 BBHO for every BEE donated to getting this launched.

Max air drop will be 200,000 BBHO. There will only ever be this one air drop.

Some math for you. If we where fully funded at this moment and launched.

Approximately 3 BEE to 1 Hive 60 BBHO equals 1 Hive 0.00057 USD for BBHO if Hive at 34 cents.


Saturdays are Drip Day. That means it is/was drip day. Now if you are not a regular reader of mine you are wondering what is drip day.

I run a income token and tipping bot all in one. The token is BBH. Every Saturday I payout the people holding BBH tokens. Passive income if you like. I like to call it a 'drip' of a token(s) to the people that own BBH tokens. And unlike some all you have to do is own it. No staking, no nothing.

If you own 10 or more BBH tokens you got a drip of swap.hive. If you own 5,000 or more BBH tokens you got a drip of swap.hive and the Alive token, and CTP Tokens. If you own 10,000 or more BBH tokens you got a drip of swap.hive, Alive, CTP, and $LEO:$0.10 tokens.

All just for owning BBH. There are two ways you can get BBH. First you can buy them from the open market. I use TribalDex myself.

Or they can be tipped to you. The great part about BBH tipping is that when you tip a token to someone else you do not loose any of your own. There is a central pool that supplies them.

And a third way to get BBH would be people gift them to you.

And now a forth way to get BBH with the BBH Miner.



In a 24 hour period, reset at new day UTC. There are currently four levels of tipping.

Level 1 = 1000 BBH holdings = 1 tip per day you can send
Level 2 = 5000 BBH holdings = 5 tip per day you can send
Level 3 = 20000 BBH holdings = 20 tip per day you can send
Level 4 = 50000 BBH holdings = 50 tip per day you can send

The tipping command is !BBH


Get BBH Tribe/Outpost built
Post on Hive at least once a day
Remember my wife.
Stay in the Top 20 Hive-Engine Witness
Stake 1 million LEO
Stay positive and keep a good attitude
Promote Hive to someone new
Get Curation Trial to 250 people
Hit 10000 HP by end of 2024
Do 2000 strait days posting on Hive
LPUD every month in 2024
Make BBH the number 1 income token on HIve
Visit Ghana one day


Please take time to support my Hive-Engine Witness Node.

Don''t forget to check out our Curation Trail

Don''t forget to check out the The PIzza Plan

Have a super positive day everyone.

All roads lead to Hive.

What is Hive?


1.41444985 BEE

This is interesting

0.01193053 BEE

More interesting if you take part :) !DOOK

0E-8 BEE

You just got DOOKed!
@bradleyarrow thinks your content is the shit.
They have 52/60 DOOK left to drop today.

Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩
0E-8 BEE

This is a great initiative and it will promote more threadcast

0.01189763 BEE

Thank you so much :) !DOOK

0E-8 BEE

You just got DOOKed!
@bradleyarrow thinks your content is the shit.
They have 24/60 DOOK left to drop today.

Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩
0E-8 BEE

Keep up the good work!

0.01186066 BEE

Thanks so much :) !DOOK

0E-8 BEE

You just got DOOKed!
@bradleyarrow thinks your content is the shit.
They have 1/60 DOOK left to drop today.

Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩
0E-8 BEE



0E-8 BEE

Just added a selfie.

0.01181234 BEE

You are awesome my friend !DOOK

0E-8 BEE

You just got DOOKed!
@bradleyarrow thinks your content is the shit.
They have 57/60 DOOK left to drop today.

Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩
0E-8 BEE

@caspermoeller89, the HiQ Smart Bot has recognized your request (1/3) and will start the voting trail.

In addition, @bradleyarrow gets !COFFEE from @hiq.redaktion.

For further questions, check out or join our Discord. And don't forget to vote HiQs fucking Witness! 😻

0E-8 BEE




Hello Marky, are you ok do you need help, are you facing mental health challenges?

It's crucial to seek help. Continual dishonesty can erode trust and your mental health. Downvotes do not have an impact on us, but our consistent sharing of accurate information is key to us.

Marky stop getting butt fucked LOL.

themarkymark (80)in #computers • 11 hours ago
I'm doing great dude, I'm not here crying with 100 spam posts a day that my butt hurts. Touch some grass, go see a shrink. Get your life in order.

11 hours ago in #computers by themarkymark (80)$0.00

Bilpcoin Gems High-risk Low-risk Super Trump (ticker: Strump) Corgi with knife (ticker: Corgi) Engines of Fury (Ticker: Fury)

Let's talk

Rider jim

Make today great

Decentralized or centralized

Bilpcoin Vibes

Tomorrow may never come, so seize the day seize the moment

Love life, be happy

[-]themarkymark (80) yesterday (edited)
Farming? Show me where I am farming, I post like one post a month at this point, and all buildawhale is burned. As you say transactions don’t lie. And don't say curation rewards, I'd get those no matter what I vote on and if you expect I will be the only person on this blockchain to forfeit curation rewards, you are dumber than we know you are.


You don't seem it. I've seen this before, it isn't good.

21 hours ago in LeoFinance by themarkymark (80)

[-]bpcvoter1 (-2)(1) yesterday · Will be hidden due to low rating
$0.00Reply Edit
[-]themarkymark (80) 16 hours ago
Please talk to your doctor about adjusting your meds. I’m worried about you.

[-]bpcvoter1 (-2)(1) 27 minutes ago · Will be hidden due to low rating
We are fine
$0.00Reply Edit Delete

60 votes
slobberchops [-]
gogreenbuddy [-]
cmplxty [-]
shanibeer [-]
antisocialist [-]
azabu [-]
acram64 [-]
mypathtofire [-]
willowranger [-]
bscrypto [-]
dhedge [-]
aaronkroeblinger [-]
lichtkunstfoto [-]
memehub [-]
chekohler [-]
modernzorker [-]
carn [-]
earthsea [-]
pinkhub [-]
kaylinart [-]
and 40 more


slobberchops (81)in #life • 6 days ago

6 days ago in #life by slobberchops (81)$0.00
Reply 3
Sort: Trending
[-]bpcvoter2 (-5)(1) 4 days ago · Will be hidden due to low rating

Just going to leave my response to the one out of thousand previous comments you left today.

People only tolerate you for the votes
Interesting, considering I don't vote anyone.

You vote on you're own spam comments every day @buildawhale to earn curation rewards. There are many authors on Hive whom you could support, but you choose not to you keep it to yourself don't you Marcus? You are no good Marcus.

I used to vote over 200 unique authors a day, many of which my vote was their only significant vote, and for over a year every post and every vote I would make would get downvoted for $50 because someone was sad I stopped the abuse they were voting on. I lost my ability to choose what I vote on years ago. It has finally stopped, so I started the burn posts to reduce the inflation due to the wreckless DHF spending. Of course I earn curation rewards, like every single person on Hive. I will not be the only person on Hive to forfeit curation rewards, and to expect that is ridiculous. You are one to talk about spam comments, you are spamming hundreds if not thousands of comments a day.

2 days ago in LeoFinance by themarkymark (80)$0.00

Response 4 to themarkymark marcus, buildawhale usainvote ipomote leovoter gogreenbuddy, and over 100 of his alt accounts

Reply 2 to @eddiespino

Reply to @eddiespino

cwow stop the drink and drugs

Can't you see the problems on Hive?

Hive dropping to $0.000

Posted using Bilpcoin


It seems like THEMARKYMARK is dealing with some personal drama and mental issues, which might be causing them to spam us and others with baby pics, GIFs, and questionable content he's been doing the same for years. The fun doesn't stop there, as this seems to be a recurring theme with multiple online personas. The real question is, do we want to trust these drama-magnets with our hard-earned funds or any significant influence on Hive?

On Hive a significant issue exists with automatic upvotes consistently rewarding the same individuals day in and day out

We want to address the issue of downvoting. It has caused pain to many people, and we want to make sure it doesn't happen again reply to @jacobtothe

On Hive a significant issue exists with automatic upvotes consistently rewarding the same individuals day in and day out

We hope that those who genuinely care about Hive will reconsider their actions, as continuing down this path could inadvertently harm innocent users who are unaware of these issues

lol the Marky mark keeps dreaming

Marks dream


Posted using Bilpcoin

lol the Marky mark keeps dreaming

themarkymark (80)in FreeCompliments • 2 days ago

I downvote spammers, you are a spammer, you get no monies. It’s very simple.

In the meantime go get some help. You obviously have some issues going on.

2 days ago in FreeCompliments by themarkymark (80)$0.00
Reply 4
Sort: Trending
[-]bpcvoter1 (-4)(1) yesterday · Will be hidden due to low rating
$0.00Reply Edit
[-]themarkymark (80) 4 hours ago
I have a personal chef, maid, and a captain for my yacht. What other help do I need?



@jacobtothe (75)in Magic: The Gathering • 10 hours ago
RE: Teamwork Makes the Deck Work
You seem to have a very one-sided relationship with the HIVE platform. I wrote a post about one of my hobbies, and you spammed it with an irrelevant rant as a comment.
0 1
@guiltyparties (73)in #valueplan • 16 hours ago
RE: Value Plan Bridge Proposal
What activities would you recommend are done to promote "fairness, transparency, and real community-driven development" as you've said?
0 1

0E-8 BEE

Congratulations @bradleyarrow! You have completed the following achievement on the Hive blockchain And have been rewarded with New badge(s)

You got more than 51500 replies.
Your next target is to reach 52000 replies.

You can view your badges on your board and compare yourself to others in the Ranking
If you no longer want to receive notifications, reply to this comment with the word STOP

0E-8 BEE

I was wondering but what is DOOK? I saw it in the post yesterday but it wasn't on my mind.

0E-8 BEE

It is a project @bitcoinman has started. He can tell you fully. But it has to do with engagement and curation.

0E-8 BEE