In the Midst of Chaos: We Need More Awareness
Hello friends, how are you? All pollution is bad, whether it's organic waste pollution, noise pollution or even air or water pollution. Without a doubt, any of these problems…
Hello friends, how are you? All pollution is bad, whether it's organic waste pollution, noise pollution or even air or water pollution. Without a doubt, any of these problems…
Hello friends, how are you? As we grow up, as you get older, you realize how much we need to be focused and persevering in life to achieve our personal goals or even in our…
Hello friends, how are you? There is no other team that can stop Flamengo in Rio de Janeiro. With the title won yesterday (Sunday), there are now 39 Carioca titles and this…
Hello friends, how are you? Imagine what the world would be like if cryptocurrencies were the main means of finance among people and there were no more banks or any other…
Hello friends, how are you? Taking care of your health is essential for any of us and keeping us firm in our daily routine. Due to lack of time or perhaps even money, this…
Hello friends, how are you? Those who follow Brazilian football know that the football we have played in recent years does not even represent 10% of the glorious history of the…
Hello friends, how are you? I love soccer. Since I was a kid, I used to watch games of several teams on TV. It's even interesting that back then I was more interested in…
Hello friends, how are you? As with almost all things in the world, I could very well be quite sincere in saying that there are pros and cons when it comes to services…
Hello friends, how are you? When I think about technology and especially about the technological advances achieved by humanity over all this time, one of the main areas that…
Hello fellow players, how are you? For those who are in the habit of frequently playing Splinterlands, you may have already noticed that practically every Tuesday there is a…