PEPE Powerup Day! 100K PEPE Powered UP!
Today is PEPE powerup day! I got 100K I want to power up. Proof of powerup.…
Husband, Father, Firstborn Son, God-Fearer, Bearer of the light yoke
Today is PEPE powerup day! I got 100K I want to power up. Proof of powerup.…
It always feels good to get an haircut! My boy's hair has been growing out for a bit too long. When he got up, his hair was all crazy and we decided it's time to get it under…
We've been looking for a new chair for my daughter for weeks now, visiting 2nd hand stores, office supply stores and even a furniture store. Everything was expensive, over $100…
Last night the snow came, the big storm we were warned about days ago. It really wasn't much: a few inches. And by the time we got out to remove it, most of it was melted…
Our family is sustained by quality protein sources - we're always looking for affordable protein, without having to supplement with powders and bars. Besides meats and dairy, we…
This morning after breakfast (but before 15 minute cleanup) the girls stated a game of the card game "war". They really enjoy the game because it's simple, quick and doesn't…
Had a list of places to go and things to do, ahead of the bad weather foretasted tomorrow. It's amazing how much hype is put into weather reports these days…
This evening the children turned on the gaming system and enjoyed their own game of Mario RPG. Last time we played the game, daddy played and the children watched. This time…
My daughters have been getting pretty good at getting videos on the ipad and editing them. They put together the cutest videos of the youngest one and made a video of the most…