Mi Diario: 15 diciembre 2024 // My Diary: December 15 2024
Hola querido hiver. Sigue el ritmo. Este es el lema de la semana en la *Agenda del diario para…
Hola querido hiver. Sigue el ritmo. Este es el lema de la semana en la *Agenda del diario para…
Hola querido hiver. Decía Séneca que la vida puede ser larga si la sabemos aprovechar. Sin embargo…
Ever noticed that the word GRACE and GREED are both five lettered words? I heard a story today I would…
Hardly would I say I am a perfectionist, yet I do have a thing for high standards and for plans to go as designed. That's me when I'm passionate about whatever it may be. I have…
You've got to keep at it. It's something you have to do no matter the recent outcome you are faced with. Keep the "Mantra" alive and keep going because…
Christmas season is interestingly a bonding time of many facets of different things, occasions, celebrations, people and lots of different intentional happenings, decorations…
Last week by this time, I was having the strangest catarrh I’ve ever seen in my life. It was so weird that it developed into something else. The funny thing is, I spent my day…
What is holding your soul captive? Your past, the mysterious voice from within or a person who belittled your dreams and vision? Your worth isn't measured by the validation of…
Hola querido hiver. Se despliega ante nuestros ojos la última página del calendario. Es tiempo de…
My heart cannot contain the joy I feel inside of me.. I'm indeed grateful. You know most times when we pray, we keep asking for more blessings, more than we actually recount…
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