Magically Wicked!
When I found out that Cynthia, the lady who starred as Harriet was also in Wicked, I was extremely curious. Now when I found out Ariana Grande was also part, I didn’t just run to…
My crochet hook and I against the world!
When I found out that Cynthia, the lady who starred as Harriet was also in Wicked, I was extremely curious. Now when I found out Ariana Grande was also part, I didn’t just run to…
Today was really tough for me, and as I kept asking myself a lot of questions about why certain things were happening, I heard something funny. I say it's funny because it's my…
I was going to come and talk about how I am a full fan of texting, and I am, but it just dawned on me after this morning that I am actually a face-to-face person when it comes to…
I was preparing for my first-ever international presentation, and even though I’ve never been one to shy away from a crowd, this was different. I was going to talk to people not…
Hello everyone, I just wanted to share this vlog with you all. You guys will find @bipolar95 at the latter part of the vlog and…
I find it very powerful how your knowledge about something gets to a different level after you experience that thing. Before this week, I always thought slow living only had to…
After I read the current prompt, I thought about so many things. The one thing that kept occurring to me was “this will be a difficult sacrifice”. Sacrifice is not even that easy…
I love movies that have to do with history because I know very well everything I’m seeing is based on true life events. But funny enough, I never have the emotional capacity to…
I know that superheroes are cool and most of them wear capes but the other heroes we don’t recognize and always underrate are those in aprons. And by that, I mean people who…
Hello everyone, I’m excited to share with you all this transformation project I did. I’ve had this colored jeans for about 5 years but just I hate it. I hate the jeans because it…