The thin line.

The thin line.

Dr Emily Jonathan has always been driven by her childhood passion and ambition to save lives. As a doctor, she feels she could save every life. This ambition of hers made her the…

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Echoes From The Flames

Echoes From The Flames

Socrates stumbled out of his tiny cabin perched at the edge of the cliff overlooking the sea. His breath was high, and he coughed like he had tuberculosis, his eyes red and with…

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The Jackpot

The Jackpot

It was Friday night, and the game had just started, just like every other game. Joshua, my brother, and I had already selected our sure odds, just waiting for the right time to…

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Gobble or Gobble Out

Gobble or Gobble Out

Ahmad stood by the window in his penthouse office. He was taking in the beautiful view of the city. The people sprawled across like tiny ants are in his eyes. The businesses each…

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