Winter's Peaceful Hush
Whether walking through snow-covered woods or sitting by a window watching the flakes outside, winter's peaceful hush offers a chance to unwind and find solace in its calming…
Whether walking through snow-covered woods or sitting by a window watching the flakes outside, winter's peaceful hush offers a chance to unwind and find solace in its calming…
Moja nostalgiczna wycieczka sprowokowała mnie do nostalgicznych oględzin albumu rodzinnego z wyjazdów do Jaworza lata temu oraz do cyfryzacji paru zdjęć. Klika z nich wrzucę…
Z premedytacją pominęłam wczoraj raport, bo kroków i tak nie było, a przecież nic się nie działo. Ale jakoś chyba trochę nieswojo mi z tym :p więc mimo, że niby wciąż nic się…
We are week 399 of the BEER and fun challenge and it is time for you to join the beery fun. (C) by pixabay and modified by @detlev for #beersaturday Each week we call…
W ferie dokończyliśmy polski serial "Szadź", oparty na powieści Brejdyganta, którą onegdaj czytałam. During…
I'm still kind of getting over the fact that I will never watch my niece play basketball again. As I said, it wasn't her favorite sport. It's more something she did to…
It's been a humdinger of a week here. I started off on Monday with a bit of a free day after a mess of snow…
Here we are with the winners of the week 398 of our really thirsty #BeerSaturday Challenge. Everybody who joins our weekly challenge is a winner as this means fun and a…
It's been a pretty thrilling week as far as basketball goes. Things are finally starting to wind down though. My niece played the last game of her high school…
If you live in the US and you are a fan of whiskey or bourbon, you likely know what allocation day is.…
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