My Actifit Report Card: September 5 2023


At this time, at a distance of about 420 km from our earth, there are people from China and America who are roaming freely with the earth. But the surprising thing is that these people are so far from the earth that these people can see the sun rise and set 16 times in 24 hours. , that there 90 minutes later night begins and then 90 minutes later "day" begins again. These people can sense the movement of our earth with different detectors, I am actually talking about the International Space Station ISS.


It was launched by the International Space Station "USA" in 1998, and has been orbiting the Earth since then. The speed of the International Space Station ISS is said to be five miles per second. This is why "ISS" completes one orbital motion around the earth in 90 minutes. The same International Space Station you can see at "night" the starometers in it change after 90 days because the spaceship for them comes 90 days later,,, then the staromers are exchanged. Sultan Al Nayadi Emirate of Astronomy Dan returned today, he joined the ISS about a month before "Ramadan". There are two fully operational space stations in Low Earth Orbit (LEO), the International Space Station "ISS" and China's "Tiangong Space Station".

These people are researching various "things" there and also control some satellites from there. These people inform us about various things. The International Space Station has a small research lab where scientists conduct various experiments. Due to free falling, these people are rotating with the Earth. The International Space Station ISS was launched by the United States in 1998 and since then it has been "rotating" with the Earth and has not stopped even for a minute. ,,,, and the funniest thing is that there are lions of India in China's "Tiangong Space Station", while our rulers are always suffering from the seat of power. And the public has no leisure to "slogan" in favor or against them and when we "try" to show a "mirror". So some friends feel bad. Faiz Ahmad Faiz says that
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity, Walking, Yard Work
165 cm
65 kg
Body Fat
45 %
32 cm


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