My Actifit Report Card: March 5 2025
Hi friends I logged 10,395 steps on @Actifit today, away from my daily 10k step goal. _This…
Hi friends I logged 10,395 steps on @Actifit today, away from my daily 10k step goal. _This…
Why so serious? It's not like I almost died last night but I already talked about that in a DUO post you can…
Nowadays people spend most of their time on social media, if you see, out of many social media platforms some are more popular and some are not so famous, such as Facebook…
It's been five days since I haven't update anything. This weekend was like a whirlpool ride of a roller coaster. Last Saturday my husband and I had a misunderstanding again! I…
ds I logged 8,981 steps on @Actifit today, away from my daily 10k step goal. _This report was…
A lovely day to everyone! 😍 Hello! Hello! I am grateful to introduce myself to everyone with a huge smile on my face. 😁 I am grateful to my friend for encouraging me to join…
Hello all actifiters, Here I am with my previous day activity score ie 7.9k activity. It was Sunny day with a windy too. The snowfall on mountains has changed the weather. It's…
Hello everyone! This morning the weather was nice. By evening it was windy and a little rainy. I walked for about an hour this morning. In the afternoon I went to the city with…
前几天我搬宿舍,然后在新宿舍的衣橱旁边有个角落,看着这个角落我就想起某天在网购平台 ʟᴀᴢᴀᴅᴀ 看到一个鞋柜,我感觉那个鞋柜超适合放在这个位置。 刚好室友也说起要买鞋架之类的话题,那我就买个鞋柜大家一起放吧~ 那个位置就是这门后面的小角落,我放了瓶瓶罐罐和桶在地上。 事不宜迟马上下单! 下单日期:28/02/2025…
这星期做大夜班,又是早上七点才下班的一天。早上七点下班,朋友约了一起去吃个不知道算宵夜还是早餐的“早餐”。早上吃的应该算是早餐吧?虽然吃完要回去睡觉了…… 我跟室友还有一大帮朋友们约在了云顶宿舍 RSC1 这里的 Food Court 吃,RSC1 已经换了老板从新开张。之前疫情的时候这里就关闭了也荒废了好久,现在有老板愿意接手并装修后再做生意。…
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