Everyone has a desire to succeed in what we do. In everything we do in life, there is secret that when one knows, it becomes easier to access and do more exploit. Many give up…
Everyone has a desire to succeed in what we do. In everything we do in life, there is secret that when one knows, it becomes easier to access and do more exploit. Many give up…
Good day, dear friends of the #cleanplanet community feels good to share my cleaning activity with everyone today. Today's clean activity was another kind of wet cleaning…
With the begining of Spring Season, every thing looks fresh and clean. We enlight when see new leaves and flowers comming out. Every thing looks beautiful.…
Happy new week guys! I did my cleaning activity this morning before leaving for school and it was a wet one. After I had gathered all the materials I often use for my cleaning…
The sudden change in weather was quite amazing today. Towards the early hours of today, I almost thought i won't see the day without a fan but thank God i am alive. Truly the…
What you don't know and you didn't ask question you may not know it. Don't pretend over what you don't know this assumption could be costly and retard lots of things. What would…
I have to many option to choose what to write on this prompt cause most of my post are real based on reflection of me who i am in real life my personal life.…
When it comes to humans running late for one thing or another, such as appointments and the likes, we've seen them give ridiculous excuses as the reasons why they're late, and…
Hello everyone, how are you all doing today, I hope you are all doing well and great in your various places. it's really great to be here with you again and I welcome you all to…
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