The unbearable filth
The prompt says, “Can you manage to stay in a dirty environment?” Well, my answer is, “No.” and that will be the answer even if I am asked over and over again simply because I…
passion driven /Diy/Travel/Foodie/Fashion/Writer
The prompt says, “Can you manage to stay in a dirty environment?” Well, my answer is, “No.” and that will be the answer even if I am asked over and over again simply because I…
Hello everyone, I just wanted to share this vlog with you all. You guys will find @bipolar95 at the latter part of the vlog and…
Hello, singers, musicians and music lovers. It’s a pleasure to have you stop by for the week 31 of the vibes web3 music competition to listen to my…
Guten Abend liebe Leute, Heute gab es beim Crossfit ein Workout bei dem viel gelaufen wurde. Da ich dann heute auch meh als 10.000 Schritte geschafft habe, habe ich gedacht, ich…
*The evolution of technology has made life easy for us "no doubt" it has made the world a little smaller that it brings people from different parts of the world together. We…
Lately, I have come to realize that I communicate with more people online than offline. I put in greater effort to building a digital relationship than a traditional…
During my childhood I was this playful and jovial girl that everyone wants to play with cause of the life I brought to most of the games and it happened that if I don't want to…
WaZoBia! Writing prompts for the week. We only ask that you be responsible, thoughtful, and show effort. And make sure to follow the guidelines. You may visit the community guide…
Hello members of this beautiful community, Y’all never cease to amaze me with all your beautiful works and every day I pick a thing or two from here. Today I present to you all…
Hello members of @diyhub community, welcome you all to my blog and today I am delighted to share with us all how I made this little cutie with love shape. So still in…