Der erste Schnee

Der erste Schnee

Heute Morgen gab es eine weiße Überraschung als ich mich auf den Weg zur Arbeit machte. In der Nacht fing es an zu schneien und es hat für eine Schneedecke gereicht. Mal sehen…

0.02621582 BEE
Garden pests, Mealybug

Garden pests, Mealybug

Pests are a problem for the horticulturist, but they are part of nature and we must learn to live with them. It is a mistake to try to eliminate them completely with products…

1.34264948 BEE
On the roadside.

On the roadside.

On the roadside. Today looking through my photo archive I came across several photos taken on the side of the road. I admit that there are countries where the road services…

0.63848169 BEE