Midweek here and all's well. 30k steps easily because we had maintenance. Going up and down to get stuff done. Hope all's well with you.…
Dobrý večer s Actifitem. Společenské povinnosti mě dnes večer zavály do Vršovic. Náměstí Sv.Čecha, kostel sv.Václava. _This report was published via…
Hi friends I logged 5,038 steps on @Actifit today, away from my daily 10k step goal. _This…
Hey Actifitters, Days are all similar this week, yesterday again after a long inefficient day at work, we started our long walk with Kaia long after nightfall.…
Hallo Leute. Heute hatte ich keinen guten Tag in der Reha und ich uabe oft an meinen vor kurzem verstorbenen Vater immer wieder denken müssen. Alles doof. In dee Nähe meiner…
Hello everyone! Today the weather is nice. It was a little cold in the early morning before sunrise. After the sun came up, it was warm all day. I walked for forty-five minutes…
Hola querido hiver. El destino del viaje en el museo sobre…
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