O confeiteiro sortudo. Minha participação no 📸 HiveBR Photo Contest #14 - Sepia | Sépia
O confeiteiro sortudo Para aqueles que estão passando pelo meu blog pela primeira vez, talvez eu deva dizer que fiz…
O confeiteiro sortudo Para aqueles que estão passando pelo meu blog pela primeira vez, talvez eu deva dizer que fiz…
The photographs both highlight the beauty of nature and the life cycle of tiny creatures. The sight of a tree sprouting new leaves symbolizes the vitality of nature. The leaves…
Vyzvednutí vstupenek na ples a pochůzka po centru města s Terezkou. Na obrázku je zamrzlé Košutecké jezírko. _This report was published via Actifit app (Android…
Today Tuesday, very busy in office works with collecting products and parcel courier. All online products data write down in the pad. _This report was published via Actifit app…
Hallo Leute auf Hive. Ich war heute mittag mit meinem besten Kollegen in den awald gefahren um sein neu erworbenes Brennholz zu kontrollieren. Die Kontrolle ist zum Beispiel um…
A comunidade brasileira Hive-BR está promovendo um concurso de fotos, e todos podem participar! Procure pelo post de anúncio na conta da comunidade…
Hola querido hiver. Con esta publicación terminamos la serie dedicada al evento Retrogamer. Después…
I have talked and will continue to do so in a section of the blog about animals that are harmful to the garden, but there are also many animals that are beneficial to the garden.…
Today Wednesday, last night was late for sleeping because one of brothers went outside and came to late so wake up little bit late in the morning. In office time pack all…
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