How not to get lost?
How not to get lost? There are people who, visiting the thickest, largest forest, will never get lost there, and there are people who, no matter how much they go into the…
How not to get lost? There are people who, visiting the thickest, largest forest, will never get lost there, and there are people who, no matter how much they go into the…
Violation of geometry. Geometry is an exact science and if, when constructing some geometric figure at the initial stage, you make a mistake, then the edges and planes of the…
Balance of contradictions. Sometimes, our actions and deeds, simple at first glance, lead to some contradictions. If we touch upon my favorite topic of life in the village and…
Winter is not a bird! In literary works, you can sometimes find a comparison of the seasons with birds. For example, this phrase, similar to the one I once saw: A white bird…
Iron logic. Predicting what might happen based on what has already happened for many people who call themselves analysts in different areas of life, economics, climate…
Puzzles of decision-making. I called this post "Puzzles of decision-making" for a very simple reason, sometimes, some decisions to start a business are like unfinished puzzles…
Maturation of knowledge. Knowledge is an interesting thing, which sometimes cannot be felt by touch, it may not have a smell, and it is so transparent that you cannot see it…
Wind of change. People like to come up with catchy phrases that then stick to their vocabulary and periodically. here and there they remind themselves, so, probably, the phrase…
Strange delicacies. The topic of cooking and everything related to it has always interested me and sometimes I make discoveries for myself that surprise me a lot. Yes, it could…
Brave people. There is a phrase in one very old comedy: I am not a coward, but I am afraid! It sounds funny, but it is quite normal to have some fear of making a mistake, for…