My Actifit Report Card: May 23 2024



Naprawdę zastanawiam się, jak rozwiązać elektroniczny obieg dokumentów, kiedy trzeba składać takie wolumeny. Sprawdziłem, że w niektórych krajach pozwalają podzielić załączniki na kilka plików, ale znając życie, to będzie maksymalny rozmiar 5MB a reszta? A reszta to twój problem. Przecież to będzie zżerać ogromne zasoby pamięci, bo trzeba będzie przewidzieć kopie zapasowe, których papier nie potrzebuje. A dla ciekawskich to dodam, że połowę tych stron musiałem podpisać ręcznie i wcale mi to nie przeszkadza - wolę to niż nieznane problemy elektroniczne.

I'm really wondering how to solve electronic document flow when such volumes need to be submitted. I checked that in some countries they allow you to divide attachments into several files, but knowing life, the maximum size will be 5MB and the rest? And the rest is your problem. After all, this will consume huge memory resources because you will need to provide backup copies that paper does not need. And for those who are curious, I would like to add that I had to sign half of these pages by hand and it doesn't bother me at all - I prefer it to unknown electronic problems.



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activity. Reach a minimum of 5,000 activity count. ➡ Post via App to the Hive blockchain, and get rewarded

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rulersig2.jpgCongrats on providing Proof of Activity via your Actifit report!

You have been rewarded 231.9092 AFIT tokens for your effort in reaching 12987 activity, as well as your user rank and report quality!
You also received a 1.51% upvote via @actifit account.

The following boosts were applied to your post:
Rank Bag - L2
+ 10 % User Rank
Rank Bag - L3
+ 10 % User Rank
Rank Bag - L4
+ 11 % User Rank
Rank Bag - L5
+ 13 % User Rank
Protein Shake - L1
+ 15 % AFIT
Water Bottle - L3
+ 20 AFIT
Running Shoes - L4
+ 25 AFIT
Water Bottle - L4
+ 35 AFIT
Running Shoes - L5
+ 30 AFIT
Water Bottle - L5
+ 45 AFIT
Boosts increased your AFIT earnings by 165.0317 AFIT
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