Lobpion? Scorbster?
source No, the creature depicted above is not some AI abomination combining a scorpion and a…
source No, the creature depicted above is not some AI abomination combining a scorpion and a…
Back again with one of those crazy auction stories I love to share! Usually it's about coins and stuff so this one a bit different. So, back in 2022 in the "40th Leitz…
Today I came across this cool video, apparently the new Florida gold backs come with a new security feature! Their back lights up under uv light: And recently I happened to…
Today around the Anglican Church🇬🇧 Dnes kolem Anglikánský kostel 🇨🇿…
What's up plebs?! @dbooster has been running a cool series of posts these days dedicated the US penny, as a farewell to Trump's decision to halt the halt production of the penny…
Or to be more precise, a limited number of frisbees 🙃 But let's take everything from the start. Meet Ed Headrick, chances are you have never heard of him. At least I know I…
Hello everyone, I hope everything is going well in your life and you are having a wonderful day. I was feeling tired today so I couldn't walk much but I still wanted to share my…
This is something... fascinating and scary I learnt today! It's about leeches. Not hive leeches, but literal leeches 🫠🙃 I always imagined leeches to be annoying little blood…
Hello everyone, I hope everything is going well in your life and you are having a wonderful day. The weather was beautiful today and I went out for a walk in the evening. I…
Hello everyone, I hope everything is going well in your life and you are having a wonderful day. The weather was nice today, but my friends came in the evening and I spent time…
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