My Actifit Report Card: May 21 2024



Nie można powiedzieć, że było to nudny, czy monotonny dzień. Zaczął się od wizyty w banku. Nie wiem czy wypada się wywnętrzać w taki sposób, ale może ktoś z Was pomoże jakąś radą. W każdym razie załatwiłem sobie kredyt obrotowy, ale bie dla celów działalności tylko w, że kredyt, jaki dostaliśmy na dom, nie wystarczy na to, żeby go wybudować w całości (bez wykończenia). Potrzebujemy jakieś 1,5 raza tego kredytu. A ile jeszcze wyjdzie dodatkowych wydatków? Potem biegałem po fabryce. Dużo kilometrów się zrobiło.... Padam, więc sorry, że nie będzie dłużej.

It cannot be said that it was a boring or monotonous day. It started with a visit to the bank. I don't know if it's appropriate to express myself this way, but maybe one of you can help me with some advice. Anyway, I got a working capital loan, but for business purposes only because the loan we got for the house is not enough to build it in its entirety (without finishing). We need about 1.5 times this loan. How much additional expenses will there be? Then I ran around the factory. I've covered a lot of kilometers... I'm falling, so I'm sorry it won't last longer.










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activity. Reach a minimum of 5,000 activity count. ➡ Post via App to the Hive blockchain, and get rewarded!

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rulersig2.jpgCongrats on providing Proof of Activity via your Actifit report!

You have been rewarded 302.5505 AFIT tokens for your effort in reaching 21945 activity, as well as your user rank and report quality!
You also received a 1.77% upvote via @actifit account.

The following boosts were applied to your post:
Rank Bag - L1
+ 10 % User Rank
Rank Bag - L2
+ 10 % User Rank
Rank Bag - L3
+ 10 % User Rank
Rank Bag - L4
+ 11 % User Rank
Rank Bag - L5
+ 13 % User Rank
Protein Shake - L5
+ 18 % AFIT
Protein Shake - L1
+ 15 % AFIT
Water Bottle - L1
+ 5 AFIT
Water Bottle - L2
+ 10 AFIT
Running Shoes - L1
+ 10 AFIT
Water Bottle - L3
+ 20 AFIT
Running Shoes - L2
+ 15 AFIT
Running Shoes - L4
+ 25 AFIT
Water Bottle - L4
+ 35 AFIT
Running Shoes - L5
+ 30 AFIT
Water Bottle - L5
+ 45 AFIT
Boosts increased your AFIT earnings by 221.6855 AFIT
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