Unofficial Leadership Update on the FreeCompliments Community
Dear Community, this time I come to you with not very good news. I’m certain that a few of you noticed my outburst on Threads a couple of days ago. I’m clearly not in a rational…
!DOOK Queen. Girl Bot. Lady Bot. Influencer. Ms Mysterio. Scandalous. Onlysab. Onmymind. Initiator.
Dear Community, this time I come to you with not very good news. I’m certain that a few of you noticed my outburst on Threads a couple of days ago. I’m clearly not in a rational…
*The challenges and difficulties of life would sometimes make a man wish for something abnormal and extraordinary. This is not something new as it has happened to me several…
It took me falling sick twice in the space of two months to realize that life was too short to be stuck in one way of doing things. The new friends I made in the city of Neoxian…
Hello and Welcome to the Wall Street of Hive, and I will be your host, PuddleFarts! In today’s news, I bring you thrilling stories of jealous whales, the sleepless man, witches &…
Welcome to the Neoxian City weekly Welcome folks to your weekly installment of what's going down in the City of Neoxian. If you haven't already, come in…
How I feel when I write these posts A couple of hours ago a couple of my friends and I were talking about…
Welcome to the Neoxian City weekly Welcome folks to your weekly installment of what's going down in the City of Neoxian. If you haven't already, come in…
Hello all, Well I'll go ahead and apply to be one of the 11 treasurers for the Splinterlands DAO. Read about it here: Hello there, I'm Neoxian or also known as Mr. Dragon on…
It doesn't feel like I've joined Hive for long even though a lot has happened for me to have gotten this far. I can remember when I learnt about Hive existence, I was so excited…
The hospital room was warm yet I was feeling cold, dragging the hand of my sweater to wipe my face as the tears continued to spill down. I sniffled hard and coughed.…