What do you do after a bad day? Pt 2
A couple of years ago I wrote this post on what I do after a bad day. It is safe to…
| shoes | blog | movies | amateur writer |sports (especially football and table tennis) | love art but not so good at it
A couple of years ago I wrote this post on what I do after a bad day. It is safe to…
We've all had that moment when someone, or even we ourselves does something to get us pissed. It could be something small like…
Even though I’d had it downloaded on my phone the moment all the episodes were out, I couldn’t bring myself to see the series for some reason. That was until I kept being plagued…
To be laid back or to be an over thinker. I’ve never thought myself to be much of the latter. I keep telling myself each time that I attempt to over think, that it is needless…
Would you consider yourself an overthinker or pretty laid back when it comes to things? Share with us an event in your life that made you overthink, or tested your ability to be…
I think it's been, what, 4 years? since I watched the first season of the Squid games. It was the first and only time I'd let all the hype from when a new blockbuster movie (or…
How I feel sometimes Breathe in, breathe out. The first month of the year has flashed by. I don't even…
Hello and welcome to the 19TH edition of Cine TV Community Spotlight. The Cine TV Spotlight Series has begun in a bid to boost…
Once upon a time, there lived a beautiful lady called Tehilla. Now Tehilla was not just any lady, she was very…