Happiness Changes...
Is it just I that experiences a routine change? It seems that sometimes, my tastes just switch up and I am doing new things daily that make me smile. I also realized…
Is it just I that experiences a routine change? It seems that sometimes, my tastes just switch up and I am doing new things daily that make me smile. I also realized…
I got home that fateful day from my many day jobs, tired and hungry, pining for a warm plate of my mother’s home cooked meal – hoping to God it’s a plate of porridge…
People would always say that Happiness comes from within. I think in a way that saying is true though. Most times you will have inner happiness when you are at peace with…
During my teenage years, I read a suicide story on the internet and kept wondering why someone took his own life. *Is he possessed or did someone killed him and made it look…
Times are changing before my eyes so swiftly these days that I now understand what people much older than me used to mean when they said things like "I used to buy this very big…
The prompt made me laugh for two reasons. The first being I hardly search serious topics with my phone and I happen to want to write this post with my phone. The second being…
Life has a way of messing with you and then giving you the finger. Things happen that you never planned for and you just cope with them and try to…
Imagen de cristhianelouback0 en Pixabay La pelona y el…
One profession I admire most is therapy, their ability to condole calm expressions irrespective of the mood of their clients. Thinking about it, I feel most of them naturally…