Art & 3D series : Death whistle / Reblog Lottery
Welcome to the Art & 3D series where I share a cool artwork that I print and talk about every…
I play MGS 2, Join via my link in the website section for20% off webhosting, owner of, [email protected]
Welcome to the Art & 3D series where I share a cool artwork that I print and talk about every…
Welcome to @bitcoinman's table silver series, in this series I selects some silver weekly to be displayed, admired and studied to better my…
Amazon has been letting me down a fair bit in recent times, I am not sure what the deal is but I am not happy about it. So I do this…
Welcome to the little metal series, in this one I share Chromium a silver like metal. It is used a lot in metal alloys as well as used as…
Welcome in this one I share a new machine I got, this time it is not a very creative machine but it will be used in creative ways with me being…
Welcome to the Art & 3D series where I share a cool artwork that I print and talk about every…
Welcome to @bitcoinman's table silver series, in this series I selects some silver weekly to be displayed, admired and studied to better my…
Not too long ago I got myself a meta quest 3 VR headset and not long after that I also upgraded a computer as my laptop…
Welcome to the lil metal series, we got an actual metal this time around, it's like Indian silver or something I guess 🤣…
Welcome, in this post we share another creative tool that joins the Fam there is already 7 printers 5 FDM and 2 resin printers (3 out of the 5…