Embraced Minimalism For A More Fulfilling Life.


Seeking a balance in life is one common goal every human has, but our approach to making it happen varies, and that's why it takes us different times and resources to reach that balanced state in life. I haven't tried more than one way of seeking balance in my life and can confidently say that discovering minimalistism as a child was a priceless gift life gave me.

Probably if life hadn't put me on the path of minimalism that made me realize that I can be comfortable with less, I might still be struggling so hard to find a balance today.

The calming effect of minimalism on my life reminds my of the joy I derive after successfully hunting periwinkle in my ponds. There is this sense of accomplishment that accompanies both and it's speak a lot about finding happiness in small things.

The minimalist lifestyle is a way of life that secures peace of mind when you are committed to it, so whenever anyone teases me about why I embraced the minimalist lifestyle, I do ask them what matters more in the life of every human than having mental, physical, and financial stability.

If we look closely, these things are what we spend our whole lifestyle working on. What if I told you that the easiest way to make all of these things happen is through simplicity and not the other way around?

Shedding off the excess in our lives is essential for a balanced life, and that's what minimalism is all about; it extends beyond decluttering items like many people think.

My reasons for embracing the minimalist lifestyle aren't farfetched, and these are things that make minimalism worth holding onto.

Mental stability

My mental health is paramount to me, and practicing minimalism has helped me keep my mental health stable. We live in a world where people get caught up in mental stress easily just because the world has become completely chaotic, but as a minimalist, drowning in mental stress is just impossible.

It all starts with decluttering my thoughts and everything going on in my mind. I think about basically things that ignite positivity and not the opposite because I find it quite stressful. I have always understood that putting unnecessary pressure on my mind drains me mentally, so I don't even let myself slip into that state.

I keep a small friend circle, and they practically do not give me any form of physical or mental stress because they understand my lifestyle. I do not entertain society or peer pressure and just live my life as simply as possible.

It's not surprising how our minds connect with the environment in which we find ourselves, and I am proud to say that decluttering my space has done a lot of good. Not having my space choked up helps clarify my thoughts; it takes me far away from any form of distraction, and that feeling is awesome. Another thing I discovered is how physical stress attracts mental stress; decluttering my space gives me less work to do with cleaning; and all these things keep me from being stressed out mentally.

Maintaining my mental stability is a big deal for me, and it costs me almost nothing to keep things in check as long as I keep to the things I mentioned above.

Embracing minimalism has helped improve my physical health over the years, and it's just unbelievable how a lot of things have changed for me health-wise, and I do not intend to change because practicing minimalism has impacted my physical health positively.

Home-made Fruit drink, I take in replacement of carbonated drinks that pose health risk and even cost more than they should

My minimalist approach to maintaining good physical health includes ensuring my physical space is always clean, exercising my body to stay fit, eating self-prepared food to ensure proper hygiene, and others.

Preparing fish and veggies filling for my pie. Yummy

If these minimalist approaches to my physical health have helped me stay healthy, it would be unwise of me to walk away from them, which explains why quitting being a minimalist is not negotiable.

Thirdly is my financial stability, and this is also very important to me. The recent global hike in the price of things has affected everyone one way or another, and it has thrown a lot of people off balance financially. Although I am also affected to some extent, I have been able to live as usual just because I have always lived within my means when the inflation rate hadn't increased to what it is today.

Coping with the new prices isn't much of a problem because somehow I am still living within my means. I spend on things that are truly important and do not even bother pricing the things that are of no use to me.

Activities like cooking my meals and even doing several other things myself have helped me to save more money for myself, which can be diverted into things that are even more important.

Some Diy projects I invested my time and effort in to beautiful my space

The minimalist lifestyle is the best approach to life for me because living as simply as possible brings so much ease to my life. A lot of people have misunderstood my lifestyle, and I do not feel offended about it. My only issue with them is this idea of me having a secret about my well-being that I am not sharing with them.

I met someone a few days ago, and he kept emphasizing how good I looked despite the hardships in the country. He kept telling me to show him my secret, but I know he won't believe me if I mention that simplicity has helped me maintain a healthy lifestyle. I have shared this secret with many but staying happy despite living with less seems like something impossible to them.

I am happy with my minimalist approach to life, and there is no going back on this.

0.53745394 BEE

It's not surprising how our minds connect with the environment in which we find ourselves, and I am proud to say that decluttering my space has done a lot of good. Not having my space choked up helps clarify my thoughts.

Indeed! ✅

It's great to see the native art, and your meal looks amazing. What kinds of shells are those? Slugs? These are attractive, but the colour is unusual.
small KISS Gif.gif
Thanks for your #KISS
I enjoyed it 😉

lips sealed

speaking lips

0.00295213 BEE

Thanks for the compliment and I feel great sharing my minimalist journey as well. That's periwinkle also we are fond of calling it a water snail.

I find them in my pond and they live in water. They are just like snails in a different shell design and they taste better.

7E-8 BEE

I find them in my pond and they live in water. They are just like snails in a different shell design and they taste better.

Ok, cool. I didn't realise that you eat them. Escargot!

0E-8 BEE

Practising minimalism when most of the stimuli invite us to do the opposite is not easy. Congratulations on achieving that way of life that makes you more resistant to adversity. If those around you don't understand you, it's because you're on the longest but most beneficial road for you.

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0.00290460 BEE

Thanks for the compliment @palomap3. Truly, people not supporting our lifestyle doesn't mean we are doing it wrongly and I am glad to have found happiness on this path.

Being a minimalist is really comforting and there is no going back... I love the freedom and peace of mind that comes with it..

0E-8 BEE

I love the freedom and peace of mind that comes with it..

This!! It’s the best part, enjoy it and congratulations to you for trusting in your own. 🤗

0E-8 BEE

Your minimalist practices are simple yet great. I like what you have achieved. And it is true, in describing what we are doing to lead a better life, some people don't believe it, because in life we are taught differently. But the reality of the minimalist style teaches us that it is not so. Your post is great.

0.00277701 BEE

I think this is one of the reasons why I don't criticize people who see things from the maximalist angle. They think the minimalist lifestyle deprives people of a happy life but they are wrong because there is so much joy in staying contended in life.

Thanks for the engagement, I appreciate your time.

0E-8 BEE

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0E-8 BEE

@tipu curate

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Thanks for the curation, I appreciate it.

0E-8 BEE

Wow George. Anyone would think you were born with the minimalist spoon. You approach and perspective on Minimalism is praiseworthy. I mean, look at that! Well done

0E-8 BEE

There's no going back because what's there to go back to when you've truly enjoyed the beauty of being simple? The truth is that people know what they are doing. They know truly, this is good for my health, but do what the opposite instead. That's life to them.

0E-8 BEE