My Actifit RC: Nov 9 2023 - The monument to urban decay


A wonderful sunny day accompanies my trip to Giugliano in Campania early in the morning as I am invited to a meeting that talks about work.

As can be seen from the low sun rays it is early morning as the event begins at 7:00/7:15.

It is a group of entrepreneurs who still use the old methods of relationship or they use to write contacts with pen and ink in a dusty diary.

Nothing to do with me referencing progress, technology and futuristic tools such as blockchain and cryptocurrencies.

After the conference I returned home but I immediately went down again because I had to do an important service in the bank and what wife occasion to immortalize our beautiful church illuminated by the rays of the sun in a clear blue sky.

The moment of pause in the storm is giving us a moment of beautiful serene with bright colors and very clear views given the lack of humidity and pollution.

But it is a joy that lasts little, in fact, after lunch the sky darkened at night. My sorrow was amplified by the fact that I had to come down again but it didn’t last long.

Just the time to get back on the road to Naples and a new appointment in the afternoon but, in the meantime, we trust the images on the screen of the island of Procida and I guess I’ll have to take the hint for the trip soon.

After my long journey by subway I arrived in the north-western suburb of Naples, Scampia, also this area is rather degraded but here there is an avenue with two buildings with beautiful murals of Jorit drawn on the blind facades.

In a surreal atmosphere I went to the park Ciro Esposito as you can see from the picture the weather worsened but fortunately it did not rain and my trip was not wet.

In the city whose history has given the most beautiful buildings ever created by man in the world we have real monuments to urban degradation this building is one of the places with the worst fame in the world.

We are in the sails of Scampia some have also been knocked down but seeing them is a real disaster, I must say, poor people who live there. There is no suitable speech to describe the catastrophic condition they are in.

Finally comes the evening, and back home, I can relax in writing a nice report of actifit in this yet another very challenging day and greet friends point of the cryptocurrencies and blockchain Hive.

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

175 cm
94 kg
Body Fat


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