Returning To The Formal Way Will Help In Preserving Our Health
Every living thing does look for one thing or the other to put in the mouth, no matter how koboless the person may seem to be. At times I just wish that there were a medication…
A Writer, in humanitarian services, crypto lover, movie maker
Every living thing does look for one thing or the other to put in the mouth, no matter how koboless the person may seem to be. At times I just wish that there were a medication…
Technology has immensely transformed a lot of things in virtually all sectors that we have. For me i would say technology…
It’s interesting how technology has helped us generate more food that can go around despite the overpopulation so many countries in the world are experiencing but then, we have a…
The agriculture sector is one of the most influenced fields by technology in the world today, and its impacts are immeasurable judging by the world's food production, processing…
Technology is one of the best things that has happened to this generation, yet is not left without it's own disadvantages. We enjoy alot of things today because of technology.…
Parenting is a whole world of it's own, one that requires more than just being a parent or just having a child. One of the greatest responsibilities given to humans by God is…
Absence isn't just the lack of someone, it's a blank space, a silence that fills the place where something should be. People pass through our lives without saying goodbye, and…
Parenting is one of the major work that I see on earth. I believe that it is better not to bring a child here on earth if we know we can't be there for the child. I'm talking put…
*So I have been thinking a lot about family and parenting lately and then this topic came up in the hive learners community and I thought why not just go ahead and write my own…
Hello guys, welcome to another wonderful and awesome week, my name is @edwincj and I welcome you all to afri leo weekly activities, I am very glad and excited that God have kept…