I Am Alive Challenge : November 11 2024
25k steps today. I'm back from my sabbatical. Hope this is a turn around in my journey through the poliac challenge this season and also, I hope this means I won't finish last at…
25k steps today. I'm back from my sabbatical. Hope this is a turn around in my journey through the poliac challenge this season and also, I hope this means I won't finish last at…
Trump scheint die Wahlen doch klarer zu gewinnen, als die MSM geglaubt haben. Derzeit sieht es so aus als würde Trump die Wahl deutlich gewinnen, auch stimmen-mäßig, nicht nur…
Hello. This is going to sound strange, but I need someone who currently lives in the USA or is there and can get me something. The soft drink Mountain Dew is currently running…
--- Hello Readers, Finally, the wait is over and Donald Trump will be back in the White House as the 47th President of the United States and obviously…
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