Draw a circle scenery drawing with me

Draw a circle scenery drawing with me

Sometimes we don’t know that we are capable of doing certain things until we give them a shot. “I can’t do this, I can’t do that” are mere words most people say when they are not…

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My Son Drawing Art!

My Son Drawing Art!

Hello....Everyone. It is a hot Friday because it is a summer season in Myanmar. When we go need to wear and carry all these below.... We need to use the umbrellas and…

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Drawing a girl with a flower bouquet

Drawing a girl with a flower bouquet

You know when boredom hits rock bottom and there’s nothing you can do to stop it and you feel helpless? That’s the exact way I felt today. Today I was so bored, my battery was…

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Draw this lovely girl with me

Draw this lovely girl with me

Hello members of this beautiful community, Y’all never cease to amaze me with all your beautiful works and every day I pick a thing or two from here. Today I present to you all…

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