A yummy tartlets

A yummy tartlets

First day of fasting, a few tarts for the coffee, delicious. I didn’t make them, I bought them to please the kids. They decided to fast this year, for the whole month. That’s it…

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A Sombre London Morning

A Sombre London Morning

Hello friends! I hope everyone has been keeping well, I haven't had much to share recently but with March rolling in we finally have some brighter mornings come 6:00AM-ish when I…

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Yummy pie

Yummy pie

Strawberry tart quickly prepared by my friend for us to have coffee together. I stopped by to see her, and she insisted that we have coffee together. Delicious, although this…

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Valentines Day Desserts!

Valentines Day Desserts!

I hope you've all been well and you had lovely valentines days if you are or were celebrating it. We had a dinner planned to celebrate the day, it was a lovely meal thought quite…

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Cuban Zombie Cocktails!

Cuban Zombie Cocktails!

Howdy friends, hope everyone has been doing great. Im still under the weather from the past weekend, I caught a flu or bug and Ive been recovering slowly. The photo Im sharing…

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