My Actifit Report Card: March 16 2025
Today at the Smraďoch nature reserve🇬🇧 Dnes na přírodní rezervace Smraďoch 🇨🇿…
Today at the Smraďoch nature reserve🇬🇧 Dnes na přírodní rezervace Smraďoch 🇨🇿…
Some days are calm and sombre whilst other days are full of activities and excitement. No two days are the same. Yesterday the sun hid behind the clouds but after noon it…
This week has been a really good one for me in most areas that I can barely remember the days I was sad (I know there was at least a day like that). Entering into a new level…
Today around Prelát Nature Park🇬🇧 Dnes kolem Přírodní park Prelát🇨🇿…
Today around Friedrichstein🇬🇧 Dnes kolem Bedřichův kámen - Friedrichstein🇨🇿 Esplanade Spa…
Today at Chamois - health area🇬🇧 Dnes na Kamzík - areál zdraví🇨🇿 Chamois lake Kamzické jezírko…
Today around the concrete sculpture and Ambrose Springs🇬🇧 Dnes kolem betonove plastiky a Ambrožovy Prameny🇨🇿…
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