My Son Drawing Art!

My Son Drawing Art!

Hello....Everyone. It is a hot Friday because it is a summer season in Myanmar. When we go need to wear and carry all these below.... We need to use the umbrellas and…

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Art Day [30] : "Good Looks"

Art Day [30] : "Good Looks"

Hello everyone, its a beautiful day to showcase another one of my arts as I've dedicated to showing y'all a new pen art everyday and here I am with today's piece. Today I made a…

0.04301237 BEE
Art Day [34] : "Dreads"

Art Day [34] : "Dreads"

Hello everyone, its another day for another new art and as usual I'm quite pumped to show you today's masterpiece. I named this piece dreads because of the dreads on the guy's…

0.00826390 BEE
[PL / ENG] ✨

[PL / ENG] ✨

Tak, tym razem szkic do AI. I takie mam postanowienie na kwiecień, że nie będę miała już postanowień i będę wrzucać tylko moje rysunki. Nie to, że są bardziej udane niż te z…

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Art Day [31] : "little princess"

Art Day [31] : "little princess"

Hello everyone, as usual its another new beautiful day to show y'all another one of my daily masterpiece pen art. I titled today's piece "little princess" because of how adorable…

0.01280704 BEE
Art Day [28] : "White Stork"

Art Day [28] : "White Stork"

Hello everyone, isn't it a bright day to see a beautiful art once again, here I am to feed your eyes on pen art again today, I hope y'all are pumped to see what I have ready…

0.03628569 BEE
Art Day [26] : "Nature's love"

Art Day [26] : "Nature's love"

Hello everyone its good to be back again and I'm here to share with you my new art called "nature's love". I derived the title myself due to the closeness between the bird and…

0.05179058 BEE
Art Day [29] : "Little one"

Art Day [29] : "Little one"

Hello everyone, I hope y'all are good and feeling pumped this bright morning. I am here again to show you guys another new pen art I made today. This piece was special because…

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