An apple a day…

An apple a day…

I was never a fan of iPhones way back in university because of the whole transferring of files from phone to laptop stress and vice versa. I began using an iPhone in level 200…

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Stubborn Wallpapers

Stubborn Wallpapers

If you could redesign your phone or computer layout for the new year, what theme or vibe would you go for? Tell us about your style and its inspiration. Or maybe you’re not into…

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Lock Screen Palava

Lock Screen Palava

I’m not one to worry about what my wallpaper looks like. I can go months without changing it because frankly, the last thing on my mind is what my next wallpaper will be when…

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In the last year alone, I probably changed my wallpaper at least 10 times, and that's just on my phone alone. I like a fresh look every now and then. And it isn't like there is…

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