Today we continue along with my series "Is this worth Money", where me and my team (@thecrazygm) build free tools for HIVE because nobody wants to pay
cuz we are all here to get paid.
(why me?)
Of course, I am the one deep in philosophical thought about "work", and the sociological struggle of defining the "value of work" in the modern age and gig economy. I wrote the winning entry to my own project lifecycle contest!;
because I have "so many projects"!
Someone wisely asked me in a meeting - do you have time to manage another project? And the answer is, there is a wide difference between building a delegation webapp and building a wiki framework for HIVE. And its the same idea when playing with token technology.
Managing my own dCity or Splinterlands account is more work than at least 3 of my subtoken projects, put together. If you want a clue - thinking about how to manage my dCity takes even longer than playing.
Probably similar too is that a non-savvy individual may not be able to recognize or articulate these differences: Some things are easy, and somethings are hard, and only a skilled practitioner or a master knows which is which.
Enough pontificating!
Sepia dreams!
First let's revisit the delegation tool, where we can remember from last time the cheeky @friendlymoose looking a gift horse right in the mouth and practically demanding verbose urls in that passive-aggressive discord speak we all use.
Well Mr. Moose is feeling friendly today because our urls are practically human readable sentences! Look at this "beaut":
To his credit I told him it was coming and he made my post shine blue 😍
That wasn't too hard was it?
Next on the list:
Along with my secret team of testers, I was shocked at how "dirty" old accounts can be from back in the hivesigner heydey.
Yes you can do this in peakd, but you have to be signed in. Yes you can "see" the info on hiveblocks, but you cannot do anything about it.
So we have brought to you HIVE's only standalone authority webapp. This was missing from the ecosystem, I wonder how many people noticed?
...and what's that, after easily viewing 10 different alts and making changes on all of them in mere seconds, spy on your friends and frenemies?
Two keys @dan, what's that about?
A brilliant standalone app for seeing post edit patches, which is not available in this way in other edit history viewers that I know of. Other similar tools to this one might have improved since then, but the fact is we already had it made and just ported it over to the HiveTools and spiffed it up (quite a bit).
In fact, a treat for those of you reading every word, like @roleerob, a "secret history" Part Zero to this series exists, building a quick tool to help my mother.
As my first experience of "build a webapp in a few hours to help someone", I started out quite eager, and @thecrazygm too after both struggling with the visualizations available.
And happy me, to have helped my mother find out some information that wasn't particularily interesting to me, when suddenly I am barraged by reports that "this is already possible".
Which, you know, took me a few months to process.
While you are all processing this, I want to take the time here to say:
You do not need to make an account or login to use these tools. If you decide to do so anyway, please don't tell me about it because none of those things are what I am talking about here today. You can use these tools in any browser, ever and forever.
On to dessert!
Today I am announcing the Version 1.0 of my new development model, called "My Radar". The ideas on my radar I will consider building for "free". You can see my radar below, right now it looks like this:
So that is my Radar. If you want to get your idea on my radar*, pay attention:
*Getting on my radar in no way obligates or commits me to building your idea for free. This is my price for consideration.
Yes, you got it. It really is that simple and I hope we can have a good time of it, and maybe even "get some shit done" to staunch the decay of community tools and development.
I will continue to be myself in the most entertaining and enriching ways I know how. I hope together we can come ever closer to answering the question:
Freedom and Friendship
I couldn't find a way to add a memo in three different tools for staking HE tokens. (Does anybody else still call these SCOT tokens?)
A standalone transaction memo decrypter would be really useful. Hive SBI occasionally get encrypted transaction memos (which our bot doesn't read- that's separately on my desired feature list, long story) and finding specific transactions in the history in any wallet that has inbuilt decryption is not easy on an account with high transaction volume. Obviously it would need keys to work.
Oooh good spot you can't stake and add a memo.... But thats a other tool we could build!
Your submission is approved.
I would like to see a "Solution to: "I want to search my own posts for a word or phrase."
Hive has a relatively decent search tool with Hivesearcher by the Ecency dev team, and it is Hivesearcher that is incorporated into PEAKD. Most of the time, Hivesearcher does a good job of finding posts by most authors. However, sometimes I want to find one of my own blogs where I mentioned a particular word or phrase and Hivesearcher does not find it. For instance, maybe I wrote a post where I mentioned "I like peaches" but can't remember which post where that was mentioned.
So, a tool to search all of my own posts for "peach" or "I like peaches" would be nice. 🙂
This is clever.... I think I might have an idea 🤔
Fantastic! Thanks for the consideration! 😊
Submission accepted!
I hope i have got some advanced tech skills ... Hive is surely a good ground to build oneself. I love your efforts. You keep coming with new ideas and making outstanding improvements on older ones. Is there a space for someone with no advanced tech skills on your team?
But there is no salary, only bounties.
You might use this tool to make a public service announcement about account security! Make sure to ping me and reply to me and I will be sure to support your efforts.
I know this post is 21 days old now, but I'd like to send you some archon tokens... but as you know HE is about 18 hours behind in blocks.... Once it catches up, let's do this. !BBH
But I am glad you found me! Yes we cannot move archon tokens for the time being, or probably you could but we are flying blind and I don't recommend that, but here is the fresh post (#4 already!) in the series and let's discuss some great idea of yours!!
OH good, I'll check the post out. !BBH
via Inbox
Hi, @ironshield,
This post has been voted on by @darkcloaks because you are an active member of the Darkcloaks gaming community.
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This is, in a few words, sensational!
Pretty cool and honestly didn't know you where all doing this until now lol so going to keep more up to date on it all. Trying to get more into the dev and build this cycle myself especially with hopefully less confusing and restrictive regulations coming. I HOPE
Exactly! Anything you need, think of us.
if hive had 10 ecoinstants, we'd have a yuge community 🤣👌
keep up the great work as always
Wow! I believe it's more than my money's worth. I see most of the functions as "Automation" which would lessen my time allotted for a particular task. If time is gold, then I will have more time for more tasks. Keep up tje awesome work bro !BBH
Don't know about money, but it is amazing :D
some cool tools! I will definetly be using it, thanks for building!
we (skatehive team) are also trying to build some free tools on hive. check out our free community frontend here: You can see it working here: and here:
I think we should get in touch!
I'm happy to help! I think we are in a few discord servers together. You can find me in dcity, same username as here.
Thank you for being such a great member of hive for so long. Please consider building a tool that allows me to find comments with a specific community tag.
Submission approved!
Hey man, I cant figure out how to get the transaction info from BeeSwap to show you I sent 500 Archon tokens. My idea is to have a tool created that can pull posts from a specific account and create a pdf file out of your posts. I am planning on making a book of my content from Hive over the years and this is the first step in that process. I feel so many others that have been here for years would benefit from something like this as well. Here is a link to a post I made with a little more info on the idea. Thanks for what you are doing for Hive.
Sub-mission approved!
I should have asked you money for giving you this great idea for the improvement of the service 😂
No, for real. I think this addition made it very useful for all delegation services and or communities that want to have support by delegations.
I see the skatehive community already noticed it.
I will promote your Hivetools so even more people can make use of them (for free).
I have another brilliant idea for you to build by the way. This one is not for myself by the way. But I'll get back to you on Discord 😉
For that tip I will consider your idea!
The idea is to build a tipping service. So you and other builders of Hive tools can integrate a tipping link on their website so they can receive some tips for their effords!
View more
You are doing awesome work for the community. If you keep this up, I'm sure you will hit something worth good money eventually :D
Summer's coming!
Awesome initiative and I will try and see if I have a hundred tokens!
I can't wait to see your good idea!
These tools should be useful. I need check my tokens, perhaps still have some archon !
Shake out the wallet!
That's right, whatever new projects are like this, if we support them, all the people will meet, then they will surely become famous. I didn't know about them before. After reading your post, I learned many things.