

Passionate advocate for Truth, Life, and Liberty. Working on greater appreciation for, enjoyment of and satisfaction in the simple things in life.

[UTC-7]: Rocky Mountains, A...
Saturday Savers Club:  Week 5

Saturday Savers Club: Week 5

Ever heard the old saying: "This is the first day month, of the rest of your life!" Yeah, me either. I just made it up, to go with my first post, in Month TWO of my "journey"…

1.13565394 BEE
Wanna be a 🐉 in the Man Cave?

Wanna be a 🐉 in the Man Cave?

Becoming a Dragon in the Man Cave requires that you have a minimum of 1,000 BRO tokens. Which then grants you access into the #dragon-lounge, among other benefits. If that is…

1.27372001 BEE
Saturday Savers Club:  Week 4

Saturday Savers Club: Week 4

Well, this week brought me a very pleasant surprise! While I had chosen not to "publicly" list it as an objective, privately I have long thought a reputation score of +70 would…

1.39446596 BEE