Nectar Progress
Here is a copy of my working kanban for Nectar and Nectar-Engine. I'm old-school, vim and a md file, nothing fancy, but it should give you an idea of what's in mind and what is…
Freelance IT Tech, Python dev, role-playing enthusiast, Linux user since 1996, and avid fan of Crypto
Here is a copy of my working kanban for Nectar and Nectar-Engine. I'm old-school, vim and a md file, nothing fancy, but it should give you an idea of what's in mind and what is…
Super nervous, but we did the thing! We got the proposal out of the door. Super nervous, but I think it's in the communities interest if you have ever tried to build anything…
So, my last tool, the token viewer for the console was not pretty. Which, I mean, it's not bad, but I also noticed it didn't show…
Short post today, I'm super tired from working overnight. I finally hit one of my goals. Now onto the next goal! What do you think 1500? It's doable but…
So, I showed my other tool for looking at the account balance and general stats. So, I decided I needed one for Hive-Engine as well. This one obviously doesn't look as good but…
I'm too lazy to login in to multiple accounts, so I spend hours writing a tool so I don't have to. Seems counter intuitive... I set my benifits to put some of my author rewards…
I finally got a new phone. Well, a new used phone. Something that has been sorely needed for years honestly. Ended up getting a factory refurbished plain Samsung S20 (as in no…
Wow, that's a gorgeous color scheme you've got there 😍! Every time I share a screenshot with @ecoinstant, he always say something about the pretty colors. Well, I change them…
This is getting out of hand I know that security is something to take seriously, and I often try to do my best at keeping things safe. Are there things I could do better, sure.…
With this last week's release, there was a couple of small fires to put out essentially live in production. Talk about a mess. Then I got an email, that I get all…