A balanced lifestyle isn't about perfection, it's about.....


Despite how difficult it might seem to find balance, we ought to strive hard to get closer everyday because a balanced lifestyle is good for overall well-being

Finding a balance in life is one of the hardest thing to do on earth because we wants to do this and do that at the same time... We just keep finding a way to compress all the tasks that should ideally take us years to complete into a day and that is when we discover that we are only but humans and we've got limits.

Lifestyle modification will go a long way in helping us achieve a lot, personally, ever since I discovered my limits, I've been more productive because you need to first of all know yourself.

I am a student and I also want to indulge in other things i find interesting but then, I need to know when to drop one and pick up another and so on...
I have some tips that has been helping me balance everything i engage on for a long time now....

  • Timetable:

I wasn't much of a timetable individual before I joined Hive because my schedule wasn't that tough that when I miss one, I wouldn't find a time for replacement but ever since joining Hive, I found the need to create a timetable.
By timetable, I really don't mean I sit down to draft a timetable that will guide me throughout the month but rather for everyday I wake up, having known the academic activities I have for that day, I will find time to get in other extracurricular activities.
I always consider my academics first because at this moment, it's the most important thing to me.
By so doing, it enables me to always balance my academic and extracurricular activities.

  • Self-Discipline:

Creating a timetable is one thing but the main work comes with sticking to it and this can only be achieved by self-discipline.
Self-discipline enables you to know you have to read by 12am and despite how sweet the weather makes the sleep to be, you will wake up and read because if you don't, you will definitely be pushing it to another time meant for something else.

Self-discipline will also enable you to know that you can't jam-pack your whole task once expecting to do magic because you know logically you can't achieve them within the specified period.

  • Rest:

We are only but humans and as such we need to rest. Despite how busy our schedule looks shouldn't deny us that one hour or two we should just use to rest because even machines get serviced at some point.
For optimal functioning, we should always incorporate and respect our resting time.

  • Healthy lifestyle:

This involves eating a balanced diet, proper physical exercise, good social connection with family and friends amidst others.
All these things affects our productivity directly or incorrectly and we shouldn't joke with always optimising them.


No one is perfect so don't expect to always hit your goals all the time but the good thing is the conscious effort to always hit those goals.
A balanced lifestyle is golden!!!

Thanks for reading and have a nice day


It's truely not easy to striking a balance with all aspects of life, but you've layed down some great lifestyle that I'll learn from in helping me too going forward.

Scheduling is a nitty gritty for me just like you, like they say, he who fails to plan, plans to fail, so that's one of the focal point on striking a balance.


that's one of the focal point on striking a balance

It's definitely very important indeed.
It's not easy to strike a balance but we just have to keep trying... Not as if we can be perfect anyway but we can always get closer to perfection

Thanks for coming around bro


Making schedules have been saving me dince forever. I cannot imagine not planning my acts and then getting thrown into chaos from getting confused on what to do and when to do it. According time frames to my tasks have been beneficial too, because now, i easily would have mebtally prepared for it, which is like a first step to tackling tasks.


That's very true and also supports the saying that failing to plan is definitely planning to fail

Getting mentally prepared fosters your first win towards any plan you've got


That timetable and rest has been my help for a long time now, especially that rest. That's what keeps me going.
Nice writeup as usual


It's the especially rest for me.... It's important though 👍
