

Live, Love and Laugh, I am a student of life

Getting My Nephew To Eat

Getting My Nephew To Eat

The importance of food to a growing child can not be overemphasized but then getting a child to eat is usually a big battle. Some children do not want the food given to them…

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Keeping My Space Tidy

Keeping My Space Tidy

Being organized and having things well arranged can go a long way in ensuring that one is efficient in carrying out tasks. It also saves time since you are unlikely to be…

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Putting A Smile On Another Face

Putting A Smile On Another Face

Last Christmas, a friend called me to inform me about a program he was organising in the spirit of sharing love during the season of celebration. The program is something he…

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Behind The Scenes of Sports Betting

Behind The Scenes of Sports Betting

Betting is a very big business, right from many years ago. I remember watching the series 'Peaky blinders' and I was amazed at the intricacies and behind the scenes of betting.…

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