Let's get away from sadness, let's be active! / Alejemos a la tristeza, ¡seamos activos!! [English / Spanish].

Link in bio(3).gif

We all face moments of sadness and withdraw from the people around us, which affects our relationships with our friends and loved ones. It is important to be able to control this feeling and prevent negative emotions from taking over.

It is essential to understand that sadness is a natural and healthy emotion that we all experience at some point in our lives. It is not a negative thing in itself, as it allows us to process and overcome difficult situations. However, when sadness becomes overwhelming and leads us to isolate ourselves from others, that is when we should pay attention to it and seek help if necessary.

Todos nos enfrentamos a momentos de tristeza y nos alejamos de las personas que nos rodean, lo que afecta nuestras relaciones con nuestros amigos y seres queridos. Es importante poder controlar esta sensación y evitar que las emociones negativas se apoderen de nosotros.

Es fundamental entender que la tristeza es una emoción natural y saludable que todos experimentamos en algún momento de nuestras vidas. No es algo negativo en sí mismo, ya que nos permite procesar y superar situaciones difíciles. Sin embargo, cuando la tristeza se vuelve abrumadora y nos lleva a aislarnos de los demás, es cuando debemos prestarle atención y buscar ayuda si es necesario.


One way to manage sadness and prevent it from getting out of hand is to learn to recognize our own emotional limits. It is important to be aware of when we need to take a step back and take time for ourselves, but it is also critical not to allow that need for solitude to turn into isolation. At these times, it is important to communicate our emotions with trusted people or mental health professionals who can provide us with the necessary support.

Una forma de controlar la tristeza y evitar que se nos vaya de las manos es aprender a reconocer nuestros propios límites emocionales. Es importante ser conscientes de cuándo necesitamos tomar un paso atrás y darnos un tiempo para nosotros mismos, pero también es fundamental no permitir que esa necesidad de soledad se convierta en aislamiento. En estos momentos, es importante comunicar nuestras emociones con personas de confianza o profesionales de la salud mental que nos puedan brindar el apoyo necesario.


Image by Natalia Lavrinenko from Pixabay

In addition, it is important to find activities or hobbies that bring us joy and satisfaction. Whether it is exercising, pursuing a hobby, reading a book, listening to music or going for a walk, it is essential to keep busy and focused on positive things that help distract us from sadness and help us find happiness again.

Además, es importante encontrar actividades o pasatiempos que nos brinden alegría y satisfacción. Ya sea practicar ejercicio, dedicarse a un hobby, leer un libro, escuchar música o salir a pasear, es fundamental mantenernos ocupados y enfocados en cosas positivas que nos ayuden a distraernos de la tristeza y a volver a encontrar la felicidad.

Image by Natalia Lavrinenko from Pixabay

In particular, I distract myself from my problems and keep the sadness away by listening to music and watching a good movie with my wife or daughter.

En lo particular, me distraigo mucho de mis problemas y alejo la tristeza escuchando música, y viendo en compañía de mi esposa o mi hija alguna buena película.


On the other hand, it is also important to identify the causes of our sadness and address them constructively. If the sadness is related to external situations, such as work, family or interpersonal relationship problems, it is important to look for solutions and ask for help if necessary. Sometimes, simply talking to someone you trust can be a great help in finding a different perspective and overcoming the obstacles that generate sadness.

Por otro lado, también es importante identificar las causas de nuestra tristeza y abordarlas de manera constructiva. Si la tristeza está relacionada con situaciones externas, como problemas laborales, familiares o de relaciones interpersonales, es importante buscar soluciones y pedir ayuda si es necesario. A veces, simplemente hablar con alguien de confianza puede ser de gran ayuda para encontrar una perspectiva diferente y superar los obstáculos que nos generan tristeza.


Image by Arrowhead Coffee from Pixabay

In order to avoid falling into a spiral of sadness, it is essential to take care of our mental and emotional health on a constant basis. This implies that we must learn to forgive ourselves and not be too hard on our own emotions. It is also important to surround ourselves with supportive and understanding people, and to maintain a network of healthy relationships that help us face life's challenges in a positive way.

Managing sadness and avoiding falling into a spiral of negativity is a process that requires self-knowledge, acceptance and action. It is essential to learn to recognize our own emotions, seek help if necessary, keep busy with activities that bring us joy and satisfaction, address the causes of our sadness in a constructive way, and surround ourselves with supportive and understanding people. In doing so, we can find our way back to happiness and prevent negative emotions from taking over.

En cuanto a evitar caer en una espiral de tristeza, es fundamental cuidar nuestra salud mental y emocional de manera constante. Esto implica que debemos aprender a perdonarnos a nosotros mismos y no ser demasiado duros con nuestras propias emociones. También es importante rodearnos de personas que nos brinden apoyo y comprensión, y mantener una red de relaciones saludables que nos ayuden a enfrentar los desafíos de la vida de manera positiva.

Controlar la tristeza y evitar caer en una espiral de negatividad es un proceso que requiere autoconocimiento, aceptación y acción. Es fundamental aprender a reconocer nuestras propias emociones, buscar ayuda si es necesario, mantenernos ocupados con actividades que nos brinden alegría y satisfacción, abordar las causas de nuestra tristeza de manera constructiva y rodearnos de personas que nos brinden apoyo y comprensión. Al hacerlo, podemos encontrar el camino de regreso a la felicidad y evitar que las emociones negativas nos dominen.

A pleasure to greet you all in the Hive Learners community, this is my participation in the first topic of the week in the Hive Learners community, where I developed the following topic:

“Battle For Happiness: From time to time, we find ourselves feeling sad and having a need to be away from people, including our friends and loved ones. How do we keep this in check? How do we stop such things from getting out of hand so that we can find happiness once again. How do we stop ourself from spiralling down a rabbit hole of sadness? Please share with us.”

Un placer saludarlos a todos en la comunidad Hive Learners, esta es mi participación en el primer tema de la semana en la comunidad Hive Learners, en donde desarrollo el siguiente tema:

“Batalla por la felicidad: De vez en cuando, nos encontramos tristes y con la necesidad de alejarnos de la gente, incluidos nuestros amigos y seres queridos. ¿Cómo lo controlamos? ¿Cómo evitar que estas cosas se nos vayan de las manos para que podamos volver a encontrar la felicidad? ¿Cómo evitamos caer en una espiral de tristeza? Compártalo con nosotros.”

Happy start of the week to all, let's face the week with happiness and lots of productivity.

Feliz inicio de semana para todos, afrontemos la semana con felicidad y mucha productividad.

The first image is my own and was taken with my cell phone Iphone4, it was modified with the graphic design program Canva.

These are the original images:

La primera imagen es de mi propiedad y fue tomada con mi teléfono celular Iphone4, se modifico con el programa de diseño gráfico Canva.

Estas son las imágenes originales:


0.03084068 BEE

Awesome write-up
Knowing one's limit indeed is a valid point.
Thanks for sharing this with us

0.00038363 BEE

Thank you for your impressions. Freeing ourselves from sadness and allowing ourselves to feel it helps to free ourselves from emotional burdens that can affect our mood, plus, we can change bad things to feel better.

0E-8 BEE

We have at one time or the other felt bad but getting into a prolonged isolation can be desasterious because it can excalate to depression

0.00038400 BEE

When we fall into an exacerbated depressive state our thoughts become cloudy and we make inappropriate decisions that we could regret and that would affect family and friends. The solution is not to isolate ourselves, but to express ourselves and try to find the right help for our problems.

0E-8 BEE

Yes Sir. I totally agree with your points. Sometimes I take some break just to go and watch movies to get myself refreshed.
Thanks for sharing

0.00037890 BEE

We don't need to keep so much problems in our heart, no matter what it might be, nice thing is to shifts problems out of our minds and keep better feelings, reading a book also work well for me, I did it most of the times and happiness remains in my heart.

0.00038189 BEE

We must distract ourselves from our problems, which does not mean at any moment to stop facing them. After resting a little from them and being calmer, we can find solutions to them.

0.00001174 BEE

Yes, you are right @nbarrios67 we mustn't stop to find solution to the problems we faced.

0E-8 BEE

it is essential to keep busy and focused on positive things that help distract us from sadness and help us find happiness again.

I agree with you! it is a good strategy to continue living your life. Doing your things will sometimes even help you to face the challenges of a disease or anything else that appears in front of you!

0.00037753 BEE

Managing sadness is everything to ensure happiness in all we engage in, sadness is bound to happen at every point in our lives.

0.00037390 BEE

We must use emotional intelligence to deal with our sadness that will certainly appear every moment in our lives, what we must do is not to always let ourselves be carried away by this emotion because as a consequence we could make very bad decisions.

0E-8 BEE

Yeah, you are correct!!!

0E-8 BEE

@tipu curate 2

0.00037372 BEE
0E-8 BEE

Unplugged it from everything and you will feel so much better. 💜💜

0E-8 BEE

Keep up the good work. 👏

You are loved. 🤗 + u deserve the best. 💪

Curated by Mystic artist Gudasol

Interested to to help me spread more positivity (musically) on Hive?.

0E-8 BEE