Essence of Breast Cancer Awareness


Cancer is one of the most deadly diseases that plague humans in the present day, and breast cancer is one of its subsidiaries that has inflicted pain, worries, and death on loads of family members. The importance of speeding up awareness can never be overemphasized, as it can go a long way to saving a soul. Last year, I lost someone dear to me to breast cancer, and today I'll love to talk and tell you all I know about it with the mindset of getting us aware and conscious of what to do to know our status.

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Cancer, to my understanding, are abnormal cells that are split in the body disorderly and thereby cause harm to the body by destroying tissues. It's very deadly and can plague most parts of our bodies. It's very dangerous and deadly, and it has the potential to cost many lives. Breast cancer is the same as I've explained above, but it's now centered around the breasts of a woman and can lead to lumps developing, which, when not properly managed, could lead to the breast hardening up to the point where it might need to be cut off to preserve one's health and prevent it from spreading to other parts.

Taking about the causes of cancer according to what I learned during the case of that person close to me, we get to understand that breast cancer can inflict someone due to inheritance of some gene, heredity, reproduction, weight, and old age, although in her case she was younger, but it's probably due to her weight or maybe because she doesn't prioritize her health, and that made her not to discover it and curb its development until it got worse and then lead to her untimely death.

I probably should talk about her story a little. Maybe someone would learn from it. Bunmi is a fine, young, and robust lady who's decent and easygoing. She was a close friend to my cousin, and we all grew up in the same neighborhood. She just graduated, introduced her finances to her parents, and was on her way to NYSC camp when it was discovered that she had breast cancer. NYSC requires a thorough analysis of one's health status before indulging such people in activities that could endanger their health.

As of then, her breast was already hardened up, and the doctors were amazed. She hasn't gone for any treatment or medication prior to that. In her word, she said that when he noticed the lump develop in her breast, she thought it's just a normal sickness like a boil and that it'll go down, but unfortunately for her, weeks turn into months and it keeps getting worse. Because of her fear of injection, she refuses to complain but instead endures the pain and takes pain reliever. In a nutshell, she knows little or nothing about breast cancer until she was diagnosed with it during her medical checkup for nysc.

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To cut a long story short, after a thorough diagnosis, she was placed on some medication and asked to regularly come for a checkup. During that time of her nysc, things got worse, and she had to be referred to a much better hospital, and that was where we were told they'd have to cut off the breast to save her and as well prevent it from spreading. After much consideration, the family isn't that rich, and it took months to gather the money for the surgery, which was later carried out, and her two breasts were chopped off.

Unfortunately for her, the breast cancer has caused loads of damage to her tissues and spread to other parts of her body, and even though her breast was cut off, she couldn't survive nor bear the pain beyond four months after the surgery. My advice to ladies is to make their health a necessity by monitoring, regularly checking around the breasts in case there is a lump developing, and also indulge in exercise and activities that help you stay fit. Also, stay away from alcoholic drinks.

Overall, breast cancer awareness is highly essential to getting everyone to know and understand what breast cancer is, how to check, and things to stay away from to prevent it. Just like Bunmi, my cousin friend, who didn't do the needful untime due to ignorance and fear of injection, we can change the orientation of people with this awareness and prevent the worst from plaguing our women going forward.

That's about all of my knowledge, understanding, and experience with a patient with breast cancer. I hope this helped in one way or another. Thanks so much for your time. Have a healthy lifestyle.


Cancer is one of the most feared illnesses because it is really hard to treat and if not detected and treated on time it is a death sentence. Thank you for sharing this. My favourite cousin actually lost his mom to breast cancer too.


Yes it's deadly and unfortunately it has taken many love ones from us.

We need to spread the words to enlighten people about it.

So sorry about your cousin's mom.


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 176 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!


Bunmi's story is a sad one. See how the life of a promising young lady was cut short. Meanwhile, why would anyone notice an anomaly in their bodies and keep was bad on her part.
This is sad.


I wonder what was on her Mind during those periods of harbouring the issue before the medicatical requirement shows what's happening.

We should always held our health in high esteem.


Cancer, a very deadly disease which has caused so many their lives.
May God not let us fall the victim IJN


I'm truly sorry to hear about the loss of your dear friend Bunmi to breast cancer. Her story serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of early detection and awareness. Breast cancer can indeed affect people for various reasons, and your emphasis on understanding its causes and symptoms is crucial.

Sharing Bunmi's story can help raise awareness and encourage others to prioritize their health, seek medical attention when needed, and not ignore potential warning signs. Regular check-ups and self-examinations are vital in detecting breast cancer at an early and treatable stage.

Thank you for sharing this important message, and may it inspire others to take their health seriously and seek early intervention when necessary.


Yea just like you've highlighted, it's highly important we monitor our health thoroughly.

Indulge in regular check up and live a healthy lifestyle.

It's my prayers that her case will serve as a warming and awareness to others to that thing seriously and never hide what they're going through, most especially when it relates to their well being.
