Embracing Individuality: Three Things I Dislike

We humans are unique in our differences, and that's what sets us apart from others: each person's likes and dislikes. Despite the fact that two people are carried together in the same womb and born minutes apart, that doesn't mean they've got things in common, and for me personally, while I've come to love many things, there are a few things I'm not in terms with that I can say I dislike, and I'll love to tell you three of them.

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It's worth noting that dislike someone, either an act, behavior, or stuff, doesn't necessarily mean we're a bad person; it only shows our uniqueness and how it should be respected for better understanding and stronger relationships with those around us, because when you know what someone dislikes, it'll help you desist from such and not step on the nerve of your friends, and that works vice versa, but not all dislikes are related to human behavior; others are probably towards an object or animals, and for me personally, they're as slated below.

Comparison and discrimination: when it comes to one of the things I dislike the most, being compared to someone else stands tall amongst them, and that's because I hate the idea of me being compared with someone else in any regard, be it financially, morally, spiritually, or maritally. Some people would approach you and start ridiculing you as they compare you with others of your mate or colleagues who are far ahead of you. This can be dangerous and pressure some people into depression or doing the unthinkable just so they can level up.

Most people forget that love isn't a competition; everyone has their own race to face, and it's an individual race. The more you compare yourself with others, the more unfulfilled you'll feel, making all your effort seem worthless. We need to appreciate ourselves and not let anyone compare or discriminate against us for our status, net worth, or whatever, because they're others of our mate who are also behind us or dead.

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Noise and loud talkers: I'm a very reserved individual in person and tend to go my way or just enjoy the comfort of my solitary life. I still relate to people and enjoy making friends, but one thing I dislike about a person is when they always speak too loudly or at the top of their voice. I just usually feel irritated by that act, and whenever I see someone who doesn't do that, I tend to withdraw myself because it's as though I've got a headache from that noise.

I love to talk and just keep my voice low so as not to disturb other people who aren't in the conversation. In a situation where someone is talking from the other side of the room and yet everyone can literally hear what they're saying, it irritates me, and I've come to dislike that behavior, and most of my friends who do that mind the subject I discuss with them in public.

Being Vulnerable: This last one is mindful weird because it also has its bad side, but that's just me. I don't like being in a situation where I'm vulnerable, a situation where someone is let into my life, a secret or things happening around me, and in the end let the bird out of the cage to the general public. I've been in this situation on multiple occasions and was left in regret of why I opened up in the first place, and since then, I've mostly let my situation eat me rather than tell it out to someone.

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Although there are few exceptions depending on how close I'm with the person or a matter that can't go without the person knowing due to the connection or relationship, aside from not being at the mercy of anyone, I just do my thing and hope I sail through without breaking down.

How I manage my dislike: when the first thing is recognizing that I dislike these things, and since I know the disgust I've got, I tend to navigate my life in a direction where those things wouldn't play out to a point where it'll lead to me being disgusted or angry, for instance, if you're someone who usually compares or discriminates against me, I'll stay away from you, and most times when you try to call or chat with me, I just ignore you for my mental wellbeing, because I know your words will still lead there.

And for loud talkers, I did almost the same thing, trying as much as possible not to have many of them as friends, and for the few that are, I only discuss matters that ain't too important with them and not confidential ones that they'll spread to the public with their voice. Last but not least, I also try to keep my pain, sorry, problems, and the like to myself so I wouldn't be in a situation where I'm vulnerable to someone else who might use that against me.

That's about all, thanks for your time, have a great day and stay bless.

All photos are taken and edited on canva.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Lousy people can be proud and irritating. They usually don't know the kinds of words that must not be said in the public and also they do not know how to keep secret. This is so reasonable..

And talking about comparison, we should to understand people.base on their differences knowing that we all cannot be of the same school of thought.


Yea that's very true, being that loud comes with other downside as you've listed and to be on a safer side, that's why I tend to keep my distance.

Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing your thoughts.


Comparison can be really diming when it's done to a person and annoying when you see it being done to someone else.

Loud noises too is annoying, but I've found a way to bring peace within myself when I can't work away.

As for being vulnerable, I think it's why we work hard every day to make ends meet


You've spoken well all about each of these factors, although vulnerability goes way beyond just our handwork can do.


Truly our dislikes signify our uniqueness and highlights our individualism.


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The social media has exposed me to a lot of things that I don't dwell too much on what people say or do, in the case of discrimination. Though, we cannot control people from comparing us whenever they like, we just have to not let that get into us. I know how much I tried talking my father through that whenever he compares my last sister to her mates when she was a small girl. I made him understand that all children aren't the same, they just need encouragement and love, not something that will keep them depressed and wanting to succumb to the pressure of becoming like others at all cost.

We all are different and even while we compare ourselves to those who are ahead of us, why don't we do the same with those who are dead? That's something people try to overlook.


People with loud voice are irritating mostly and they always tying to keep proving themselves with louder and louder voice.
