Discipline is something that is hard to learn. This is why learning it at an early age is vital for every human. As an adult I have discovered that it isn't easy learning new…
Digital Entrepreneur / Content Creator / Graphics Designer / Story Teller / Crypto Entrepreneur
Discipline is something that is hard to learn. This is why learning it at an early age is vital for every human. As an adult I have discovered that it isn't easy learning new…
Data subscription is becoming expensive around here. This has made me limit my screen time to a very good extent. And even though my screen time is very high, it's also very…
Relationships can be dynamic with no one way that actually works. What works for Peter and Joy might not work for Paul and Grace because both couples are four different…
About 5 years ago, if I remember correctly, I had a great teacher who taught me some lessons about relationships. When people around my environment hear about relationships…
As much as I would love to say I am an indoor person, I think I'm a bit of both depending on my mood. There's this particular mood that gets me going out but to no specific…
When it comes to pollution, give it to people living in Lagos. There are several types of pollution in Lagos and they are all caused by humans. Truth is that 80% of pollution…
So today I was coming back from work when I was thinking about what to write. I decided to take a stroll from the junction to my house when I perceived a horrible smell. Being…
What is the matter my love, are you still in pain? Andy asked as he stared deeply into his wife's eyes as he gradually put his arm under her neck and drew her close to his…
There are times in my life that I become so frustrated with the things going on around me, and are forced to make critical decisions to mitigate my losses. I have lost a lot of…
I wish I could say I love streaming, but then I will be lying to myself because as much as I hate to admit, I have never liked the Internet experience in my country. I streamed…