Impacts of Rebellion on Splinterlands

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Dois dias atrás foi anunciada a chegada da edição Rebellion no Splinterlands com novidades muito incríveis sendo apresentadas. Caso queira acompanhar todas as notícias na íntegra, acesse o link para chegar na postagem original pois o foco do meu post não será abordar todos os anúncios e sim os impactos de curto e médio prazo que essas novidades podem gerar na economia do jogo.


Os primeiros detalhes foram sobre os packs Rebellion. O preço base de cada pack é de 5.000 DEC / Créditos mas os Vouchers poderão ser utilizados para dar um desconto nesse preço base. Cada Voucher reduzirá em 200 o preço base, podendo atingir o desconto total de 20% (4.000 DEC + 5 Vouchers). Esse primeiro anúncio foi extremamente impactante para a captura de valor de ambos os tokens pois trouxe novamente usabilidade para o Voucher enquanto incentiva o consumo do DEC.

Devido à implementação dessa nova usabilidade e o hype gerado com esse lançamento, houve uma valorização bem interessante para os dois ativos, o preço do DEC cresceu 18% desde o anúncio no dia 9, enquanto o Voucher obteve uma imensa vela que rompeu a tendência de queda que ele vinha apresentando nos últimos meses.

DEC Price.

Voucher Price.

Além disso, nessa edição eles já implementarão desde o início o sistema de burning para esses pacotes. Haverá um parâmetro de 25.000 packs vendidos por dia e caso essa quantidade de vendas não seja atingida, 90% de todos os packs restantes serão queimados e os outros 10% serão enviados à DAO para promoções ou quaisquer decisões tomadas por quem faz stake de SPS .

A implantação rápida dessa medida impedirá que ocorra o mesmo problema das edições anteriores: excesso na oferta de cartas e a baixa demanda ocasionada pelo bear market que resultou em dezenas de milhares de cartas mofando nas mãos dos jogadores, ocasionando na constante queda no preço dessas cartas. Porém após a criação dessa nova estrutura é possível que a coleção Rebellion já venha totalmente protegida desses problemas e seu destino pode ser bem mais promissor do que as coleções antecessoras, principalmente se as cartas dessa coleção forem poderosas (e prometem ser de acordo com as novas mecânicas que serão lançadas em conjunto).


Toda essa estrutura que foi sendo criada ao longo de 2022 e 2023 para minimizar os grandes impactos negativos ocasionados pelo longo inverno cripto finalmente terão uso para uma novidade no Splinterlands, portanto teremos a oportunidade de acompanhar a eficácia dessas medidas criadas pelos desenvolvedores em conjunto com os detentores de SPS através do sistema de propostas da comunidade.

Vamos acompanhar ao longo das proximas semanas esse lançamento e seus impactos em todo o jogo, e é claro que se você deseja estar bem posicionado diante disso tudo, considere fazer sua pesquisa para decidir se vale ou não a pena investir nos pacotes da coleção Rebellion!

Muito obrigado a todos que leram até aqui, espero que tenham gostado. Se vocês curtirem meus conteúdos, peço que deixem o seu voto na postagem e sigam o meu perfil para poderem acompanhar as futuras postagens.

Se o Rei não se mover, seus súditos não irão segui-lo.


Two days ago, the arrival of the Rebellion edition in Splinterlands was announced, with some incredibly exciting updates. If you want to follow all the news in full, access the link to reach the original post because the focus of my post will not be to cover all the announcements but rather the short and medium-term impacts these innovations can have on the economy of the game.


The initial details were about the Rebellion packs. The price base of each pack is 5,000 DEC / Credits , but Vouchers can be used to provide a discount on this base price. Each Voucher will reduce the base price by 200, potentially reaching a total discount of 20% (4,000 DEC + 5 Vouchers). This initial announcement had a significant impact on the value capture of both tokens because it reintroduced usability to the Voucher while encouraging the consumption of DEC.

Due to the implementation of this new usability and the hype generated by this release, there was a very interesting appreciation for both assets. The price of DEC has increased by 18% since the announcement on the 9th, while the Voucher saw a significant pump, breaking the downward trend it had been experiencing in recent months.

DEC Price.

Voucher Price.

Furthermore, in this edition, they will implement a burning system for these packs right from the start. There will be a parameter of 25,000 packs sold per day, and if this sales quantity is not reached, 90% of all remaining packs will be burned, and the other 10% will be sent to the DAO for promotions or any decisions made by those staking SPS .

The swift implementation of this measure will prevent the same problem as in previous editions: an oversupply of cards and low demand caused by the bear market, which resulted in tens of thousands of cards going unused in the hands of players, leading to a constant drop in card prices. However, with the creation of this new structure, the Rebellion collection may be shielded from these issues, and its future may be more promising than previous collections, especially if the cards in this collection are powerful (as promised by the new mechanics to be released).


All the structure that has been built throughout 2022 and 2023 to minimize the significant negative impacts caused by the long crypto winter will finally have a purpose in Splinterlands, so we will have the opportunity to monitor the effectiveness of these measures created by developers in collaboration with SPS holders through the community proposal system.

Let's follow this release and its impacts on the game over the next few weeks, and, of course, if you want to position yourself well in all of this, consider doing your research to decide whether it's worth investing in the Rebellion collection packs!

Thank you so much to everyone who read this far, I hope you enjoyed it. If you like my content, I ask you to send your vote on the post and follow my profile so you can read future posts.

If the king doesn't move then his subjects won't follow.




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Thanks for sharing your analysis and the mechanics behind the Supply and Demand! 😊


It's always good to share the knowledge gained from experience!


Yeah I think this is really insightful for me at least 😅


The burn mechanism is good. This means they've learned a lot from choas legion and this is why rebellion might go well. The only problem is that they're releasing it in the bear market. Im happy I've got some vouchers.


I also believe that enhancing the Burn mechanism from the beginning will be a great way to balance the number of cards available in the market.


Can't wait for Rebellion! But that spikes in prices of DEC and VOUCHER are keeping me out of the presale, I'm afraid... 😱


Hype is like that, always catching us off guard 🤣


I really like the changes to the rebellion sale, especially how they are handling the airdrops. I feel like this new methodology will make buying singles off the market more expensive, as there aren't any airdrop bonuses to be earned by buying and selling cards. Therefore, singles will have to be at cost or even a slight premium to the pack price to make the opportunity cost of selling singles into the market a winning proposition.
