Using the subconscious for persuasion


Using the subconscious for persuasion is the most effective way to win a person over. It is not difficult to use, and you can learn the secrets of subconscious persuasion in just a few days. But, there are a few things you should keep in mind.

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Probably the most impressive persuasion technique is the one involving scarcity. This is a technique that works better when the ask is small and the reward is big. In this case, the best strategy is to ask for a small gift, such as a card or a note, and then increase the amount as the recipient begins to resist. This is known as the "hot-hand" phenomenon.

Using the power of human emotion is a powerful persuasion technique. Salespeople can use this technique to make their prospects scared of missing out on a great deal, or to make them feel a sense of excitement about a product. The key is to find the right way to evoke emotions. This will enable you to move your prospect from the initial stage of a conversation to the end of it.

You can also use this technique to make someone feel more comfortable. For example, when you're talking to someone, you might make direct eye contact, which shows you're listening to them. This lays the groundwork for a relationship that will be easier to build.

Symbolic resolutions are another persuasion technique that can work wonders. For example, you might tell someone you're sorry for your mistake. This will allow you to make amends without physically doing so. Other symbolic resolutions include acts of charity or kindness. These are great ways to make amends when the physical actions are not possible.
