Spring is definitely here - 27 degrees Celcius!



The weather is changing rapidly

Where just week ago, the temperature was around 20-22 degrees Celcius steady, I noticed this week was a solid 23 degrees with today even hitting the 24! I have to admit that in the mornings it still feels a bit cold until the sun appears but I'll take it for granted and just put on some socks and shoes to cover for that, haha. When I checked the forecast today, I saw tomorrow will be even better and the temperature will rise to 27 degrees Celcius. My gosh, that's unreal at the end of March, hitting a temperature close to 30 degrees already.

More flowers

Although here in the south of Spain we enjoyed many flowers even during the winter months, I can definitely notice that more flowers are in bloom when we are out and about. It's something I can really enjoy, the colourful flowers everywhere. It gives me the feeling spring and summer are near, even if it's a cloudy day.

The mood improves when spring arrives

ALthough the past days have been quite disruptive in terms of my internal clock getting used to daylight savings time as well as a child getting sick during the nights, I have already noticed my mood has been way better this morning. This usually happens when spring has made an entrance and I know the cold is going to be behind us soon. At least for a while and with an exception here and there of course.

Today I will visit a rehabilitation doctor

Not to rehabilitate but to (hopefully) get a medical report about my knee for the insurance. When my other knee (let's call it the good one) started to have issues a few months ago, I discovered by accident that our private insurance had excluded the wrong knee for the insurance. This meant I would probably get billed for my exam recently if I would not take action. The stupid thing is that they let me sign a document for the exclusion while not specifying which knee it was about. After all their mistakes that first month, going back and forward with documents to sign (didn't work the first 15 attempts) I was not that clear of mind anymore to pick up on the missing specification of which knee.

When I discovered this recently, I went to the clinic asking for an appointment and the only one available was the rehabilitation doctor. It's not certain this doctor is qualified to get me the document and the possibility exists I need to wait months for a trauma surgeon to get it if this fails today. Fingers crossed though as I got some tasks knocked off the list lately, I hope to continue this today...

At least the weather gods are on my side and on top of that, the little lady is back to school today. It's only one day anyway because tomorrow they only have an Easter breakfast and no classes..

Have a wonderful day!

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Spring isn't here at my neck of the woods, Last night was 1 measly degree Celsius. Spring just can't come soon enough.
