Mysteriously dirty sky in Spain days before Christmas



On December 23rd the weather was amazing!

I'm talking 20-22 degrees during the day, meaning t-shirt and sunglasses weather! When we were walking downhill to get our last Christmas groceries to make sure we wouldn't need to go there the last day when it's too crowded to my liking, we noticed something strange. At first, all seemed normal-ish because usually when we walk the first part down, we can often not even see where the sky ends and sea starts. We had very few bright skies since we moved to this apartment. It always seems to be a sky filled with sand, that's the best I can describe it.

We were enjoying the weather

Pinching ourselves as a reminder that we are actually days before Christmas and sitting outside in the sun with a t-shirt on and enjoying 20-22 degrees Celcius while the sun slightly colors our skin. Although we have been a bit stressed towards each other lately, these are the moments you have a reality check and think damn, relax, this is where you are now. It's nowhere near where we want to be, but I'm fully aware and constantly reminding myself about the big steps we continiously make. I have a hard time reminding my boyfriend about this very often because he seems to want it yesterday and always forgets Rome wasn't built in a day either. I can drown in misery for a day or two for many reasons, but feeling shit for where we are after the big move this year is definitely not one of them, this is where I feel proud when I remind us of the change that we made happen, not someone else, we did that.

I want to move forward too

Don't get me wrong, I truly feel annoyed that we ended up at a hill without a car (until hopefully next month) and are stuck quite a lot of days because of the weather or me not brave enough to conquer the hill walk whenever I feel my head is hurting (that became an issue after my extreme high blood pressure issue came to surface). But then again, I know that this next change to move forward will be so much easier than the move we made this year. So I will remain focussed on that and not worry about how fast or slow things are moving forward. In a few months, then it's time to push it a little harder, I will worry then, not now.

I never saw the sky as it was last week

We walked out of the supermarket that is down the road and looked to our left where we saw a big foggy sky. It was different at a few places where we could see it but it was super strange to feel as if we were inside the clouds almost. Yet once again, the sky doesn't look like clear clouds but again more like it's sand or other dirt in the sky. I went online to google and see if I could discover some info about air pollution but then it showed a perfectly clear sky at a few of these sites while another one was showing some pollution but nothing that explained what we saw that afternoon. And I first also thought it was from a fire but that wasn't the case either.

Looking for a less air polluted area in the future

It was noticeable that that afternoon, after the walk, my boyfriend started coughing again after he had a few good days of no troubles in his lungs. So to me it was clear that it was not a clean sky at least. I truly hope to end up in an area where this is less of an issue, I did not read anything about it before moving here though, so next stop I will need to dig a little better. The great thing about being here is that it's 27th of December and still 22 degrees today, I didn't sniff any sun today, but plan on doing so tomorrow as I want to enjoy some mommy-daughter time outside as well.

For the best experience view this post on Liketu
