Dealing with the unrest mind


The greatest investment necessary to be happy and be more productive


Since yesterday, I have been trying to analyze, how to fix my unrest mind. I have been speaking to people and trying to shape up my every day routine since last few days - not having a disciplined life is creating more stress in me and affecting everything. May be the age has some contributions to it - as we are getting older, the mind needs more peace to focus. There was a time when ignoring things was easy - the young age. Little did I care about anything - I would do and enjoy what I wanted to do. Now it's not the same. I get disturbed if something I want does not happen the way I want.

For example, not writing a post every day now is one of the factor that disturbs my mind. I missed writing a post yesterday - there were reasons, but at the end, not being able to accomplish something adds more stress - the mind is not willing to excuse and ignore.

Yesterday morning, a little accident at home disturbed me - that too, when I was just starting my day with a full plan - I had more work to do because of some priorities. The time lost in that accident made me more panic - I started to do things faster to be able to meet my plan - a rm -rf in a linux system with a wrong directory path made my life hell. I accidentally deleted everything, that I was not supposed to do. Navigating a directory and deleting another inside was what I was supposed to do. And since then, I have been working to rebuild it. Writing this post in between while I am still on it - to relax me - writing a hive post is one factor to come back to stability today.


The view outside my window helps me a lot. This morning, we have again got bad weather due to low depressions - if you have seen my previous gardening post, then you must be knowing, it creates panic in me because it hurts my garden. But I am learning to deal with it - to stop bothering about things that is outside of my control and continue building what I can.


I have to now extend similar principles to other aspects of my life - to build without worrying. One important observation from my self analysis there is to plan it better and learn to say NO. Do you out-rightly say NO in certain situations ? I am a bit weak there - I need to improve myself in setting up the right plan and expectation. When I say right plan, it ends up in commitment. Me being very committed to my words, I create problem for myself, if I add more items into my plate, increasing my commitment.

Deleting files accidentally like this has happened only twice in my life - it happened almost 16 years back - that was due to my carelessness - may be because I was young and not responsible enough then. I had to spend the entire week in office then. But this time, it was not irresponsible me - it was not being able to handle several different things at a time, with peace of mind. May be I need to learn not to do a lot of multi-tasking ( to achieve more) and instead finish them one by one - with a better plan - with peace of mind. And may be don't do anything, if the mind is at unrest - just relax.

How do you deal with such situations ? This post will be a memory for me - a post written as I repair - I am almost 70% done - but as I progress, I am learning to make things better - with better plan that I can accurately execute and be more productive and focused - to be able to execute and enjoy the work with peace in mind. There will be contingency - but that is something I will need to plan as well going forward.


There will be times when we will have to stretch ourselves but it's important to know the limit. The work we do needs precision but it comes only if our mind is at peace. Discipline is the key to everything - I need to manage my 24 hours better. Only then, the mind will have peace with sufficient rest. It's always like a 2-way sword which has to be utilized best. What do you say ?




copyrights @sanjeevm - content created uniquely with passion for #HIVE platform — NOT posted anywhere else! #HIVE is my only social diary - my blog is my life.


I can relate myself to your situation.

just relax

I’m trying to do the same thing. If we learn to control our money mind we can achieve so many things.

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile


And to control our money mind we need a plan - a discipline to execute that plan. May be it will take a while, but we certainly will get there.


i say,

When i find myself in times of trouble
Mother Mary comes to me,
Speaking words if wisdom
Let it Be

When i find myself in times if trouble, i Let it Be by Being Still. A regular twice (or more) daily meditation practice, just sitting still, observing breath movement, noticing thoughts and letting them go, returning attention to breath movement, help stillness, present moment awareness, permeate the rest of the day. Then no-thing matters so much. i see the perfection in all apparent things.
i become more at ease, more content with whatever appears to be happening and feel grateful.

Sat Nam


A regular twice (or more) daily meditation practice

For some reason, I am not able to love meditation - tried few times, but I quickly loose interest. But I know, one day I will get there as well.


You're right, the maturity we get with age, we change depending on the set of experiences. Often, middle-aged people have a different way of solving problems than young people. Problems are solved in a very peaceful way.

When we work according to a plan, when the plan changes a little and when we are not able to accomplish something in the plan, we get a little annoyed. "" I do not know what to do, like said."


Sorry about the deletion and all, I guess you were trying to do things really fast. I guess if you take your time, it wouldn't bother you again. At the moment I'm struggling to even hustle, the December period was filled with so many events and I think I'm exhausted.


I guess if you take your time, it wouldn't bother you again.

That is what I need to set right - in certain situations, we have so many things to handle and that is where, we should better plan and then commit. Saying YES, pushes us into difficulties.


I might even limit my posting soon because I'm going through exhaustion at the moment, I guess it's having too many real-time issues to handle.


I can definitely relate. I am everything but a multitasker. To do a task properly, I need 100% focus, peace and quiet. Even the smallest disturbance bothers me, frustrates me and usually spoils my effort. I never really got how some of my fellow nomads can work in coworking offices or even in cafes :D Impossible for me.


I was much focused earlier but I think, as I am getting older, I need peace to focus. Time to watch these alarms and adjust.


You are right. Many things are overlooked in childhood. When the ownership of land increases, it is necessary to walk with a lot of thought and understanding.There are a lot of things to keep in mind in this age group. There are some relationships that make a person think.


I used Linux for a few months back in 2012 as well, but I found Windows more convenient. Linux is however safer and not that intrusive as windows is. Well, since you live in India, does meditation tells you anything in calming your mind? I once achieved meditating for close to 3 hours. I guess I should start meditating again.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


For some reason, I am not a fan of meditation and prefer outside sports - I am thinking to give it another try though. Its useful in lockdown or bad weather situations.


I stumbled on your post at the right time. I too have had a bit of unrest. I had two family members go to the hospital this week, troubles at my job and exposures to COVID all in a couple day. I got only a few hours of sleep last night and my mind was wondering to questions like what I am I doing, what do I want to make me happier, should I leave my job, How do I free myself from the cooperate world. I keep coming back to hive to answer a few of those questions, but it's therapeutic to talk to others about it. Good luck my friend and your words hit home.


How do I free myself from the cooperate world.

Well, most people like us do not have the freedom to walk away from the job - we are the bread earners. However, I also realize, it's equally important to dedicate some time for what we like to do. And only discipline can shape that up. And a strict NO beyond what is committed - that's very important I think. Otherwise, we end up pulling ourselves in every direction.
