My routine to be fit: keeps on changing


I always focused on my fitness and tried my level best to maintain it. Yes, it is very important to be fit and active irrespective to your age. But the fact is when you grow up and involve in other responsibilities, it become little harder to spare time for yourself and especially when it comes to your health and fitness. I won’t say it is impossible but it is not that easy to focus and spend time in maintaining body.

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Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

Since childhood, I want to join Army so, I started pushups and ups & downs in early age. I used to jog and run in the fields, always try to keep my body strong and fit. At the age of 15, I started body building with some basic steps at home. Mainly work on my tummy and sides to be in shape. I was one of them who just got fat due to breathing, on the other hand, I am a food lover as well so, it is necessary for me to exercise in order to maintain my living standard.

Image by Marie from Pixabay

I still remember that when I was a student, I successfully used to get time for my fitness and even used to walk for an hour after dinner. However, jogging in the morning before breakfast was on and off, not regular. I just love those days and that routine. It feels so good to be fit and look awesome.

Image by Łukasz Dyłka from Pixabay

I joined gym and did proper body building. One thing I would like to share is that I never did or tried to be a proper body builder, I just used to do simple and basic exercises in order to maintain my body shape, not to look over size body builder. There is a very thin line between both of them, never used any food supplement or mega mass powders to pump up the body or never took help to lift more weights, always kept weights to limit which can be lifted by myself easily without any help. This gives me mental and physical relaxation.

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Photo by Jared Rice on Unsplash

Things were changed when I started job. 9 to 6 job gives too much stress and tiredness, due to which it is not easy to work out on regular basis. Slowly it takes me far away from gym and I just keep on thinking to join gym or start work out someday. Now is the time I started gaining too much weight. I again tried to start with some basic exercise in the morning at home but unable to do it on regular basis. I was little worried but then my eldest bro told me about keto diet which is very helpful and keeps you fit and strong at the same time.

Image by healthguru from Pixabay

Yes, now was the time I did keto diet for almost 2 months and lose around 16 kg weight. It was so easy and magical. The plan was to start gymming after 2 months keto diet but after losing weight, I thought I won’t get weight again LOL which was my mistake. I had so much in my life that I know the secrets and can handle fitness easily but now, it’s all about time. Now I have a family and after work, I try to spend more time with them and parents. So, at the moment I am just skipping my lunch in order to maintain my body but I know it is not the correct way to be fit. It could be creating some chemical issues in my internal system or making me weak from inside which I recently realized after getting 2 days of high fever.

hoto by Nadine Primeau on Unsplash

As I told earlier that I always focus on my fitness so it is time to change my routine and now I would be focusing on basic exercises before breakfast i.e. pushups, planks and few tummy exercises or before dinner if unable to do in the morning. Secondly, I would be having an hour walk after dinner in order to have a good digestive system and fit legs. Plus, if required I would start keto diet again for a month or two to reduce excessive weight. Main thing is my intention on getting fit, whether I achieve it or not, I am happy that I still think about it  and will keep on trying to be fit my whole life. Cheers!!!


For me just the basic exercise is okay and enough. If one is persistent with it, they will surely be fit. There is no avoiding it.

Thank you for sharing this with us.


@bruno-kema Yes of course, basic exercise is enough to be fit. Who is going to stand up for the competition :P


I still remember how you used to be such a fitness fanatic. I always admired your dedication and how much you cared about staying in shape. I remember how you used to motivate me to push myself harder. What happened that made you stop caring? Maybe it's time to get back into it again, even if it's just a little bit. I really miss those days.


Bhaijan : Thank you for reading my article!!!
Yes, I do remember, you praise me a lot and we did join gym together in 2013 :)
It's just lack of time or you may say excuse to run away from exercise, but I am still positive that I would be able to join gym soooooon........


Maintaining the fitness very tough. Last year I went to gym for 3 months. Then stopped and my condition again as the earlier going to gym


@rafatrony very very tough! but you know what it's only the first week which is the toughest. If one handles that week, you will start liking it :)


Yes 1st one or two week is important. Then things gets easy


Yeah! as we mature we don't have also enough time to exercise


@mooontivated so true!!! but I know people who still spare time for gym or jogging. because they are passionate about their fitness and I think I am one of them :)


You really living in a healthy lifestyle Bro, so happy for you


I also remember your dedication and pushing up others for fitness. You were really routined and It's very sad that our priorities changes with age thats why we dont think of fitness after marriage and kids. I have also been a very fitness interested person and thought I never want to gain weight. I wanted to be fit even after kids. The main thing was that I didnt want to have pain in my body efter a surtain age.
I agree its very hard to maintain a good routine for fitness. But we all know why we get fat 😜 because we are what we eat. Just by eating healthy you can maintain a good weight, and when you get older you cant eat like 20 years old person when you are 40 😬 . And the easiest thing is to be more active in the daily routines, if you dont have extra time for exersice. Like take the stairs, get of one stop before and walk etc. When you have it in your mind to be more active you will think differently. I wish you good luck and hope to see you in a great shape again next time we meet ❤️


Glad to hear those nice words :) Bhabhi G
Thank you very much for the appreciation and encouragement, not an easy task to be fit as per current situation but hopefully, will try to maintain and make things better in order to reduce excessive weight and be fit :)


That's good of you, with persistence and self control, fitness is achievable
